Case progress
Determined – refusedMap showing the location
Document | Date |
191120_SoR_Star Casino_ FINAL (PDF, 948.46 KB)
| 20.11.2019 |
191120 Star Casino Instrument MP 08_0098 Mod 13 (PDF, 68.44 KB)
| 20.11.2019 |
191120 Star Casino media release (PDF, 284.87 KB)
| 20.11.2019 |
Document | Date |
190903Statement from Commission (PDF, 99.35 KB)
| 03.09.2019 |
190920 Statement from Commission (PDF, 125.91 KB)
| 20.09.2019 |
191009 Statement from Commission (PDF, 157.14 KB)
| 09.10.2019 |
Document | Date |
Referral Letter (PDF, 57.78 KB)
| 25.07.2019 |
Assessment Report (PDF, 5.47 MB)
| 25.07.2019 |
MP 08_0098 Mod 13 Star Recomendation FINAL (PDF, 113.12 KB)
| 25.07.2019 |
Document | Date |
Applicant Response to GSC Pyrmont Planning Review (PDF, 935.9 KB)
| 18.10.2019 |
Ken Louden_Redacted (PDF, 12.27 KB)
| 18.10.2019 |
Name redacted (PDF, 293.38 KB)
| 18.10.2019 |
Pyrmont Action Inc_Redacted (PDF, 500.46 KB)
| 18.10.2019 |
Document | Date |
190912OUTRequest for peer review re visual ImpactsRedacted (PDF, 296.41 KB)
| 12.09.2019 |
190919INReview Ind Assessment and Design Advice (PDF, 219.91 KB)
| 20.09.2019 |
Anthony Gavan (PDF, 16.91 KB)
| 27.09.2019 |
Applicant Response to Independent Peer Review (PDF, 631.45 KB)
| 28.09.2019 |
Bev Atkinson (PDF, 73.27 KB)
| 27.09.2019 |
Eddi Cohen (PDF, 14.73 KB)
| 27.09.2019 |
Jillian Grove (PDF, 85.65 KB)
| 27.09.2019 |
Nicholas Solomon (PDF, 293.9 KB)
| 27.09.2019 |
Pam Mailey (PDF, 40.46 KB)
| 27.09.2019 |
Virginia Milson (PDF, 14.2 KB)
| 27.09.2019 |
Document | Date |
190916 OUT Department Re Additional Questions (PDF, 237.54 KB)
| 16.09.2019 |
190920 IN Department Response to IPC Request (PDF, 207.07 KB)
| 26.09.2019 |
190926 IN Applicant Request re DEPI Letter_Redacted (PDF, 81.71 KB)
| 26.09.2019 |
190926 OUT Applicant Re Dept Response FINAL_Redacted (PDF, 99.28 KB)
| 26.09.2019 |
190930 IN Applicant Response to Department Response to RFI (PDF, 1.13 MB)
| 01.10.2019 |
Document | Date |
06 September 2019 Cover Letter from Applicant (PDF, 988.99 KB)
| 06.09.2019 |
06.09.2019 | |
A_22 August 2019 Correspondence to IPC_Redacted (PDF, 174.5 KB)
| 06.09.2019 |
B_The Star IPC Submissions D Moir Report (PDF, 591.64 KB)
| 06.09.2019 |
C_Review Comments of Conditions of Approval (PDF, 15.23 MB)
| 06.09.2019 |
D_Design Excellence Report and DPIE Endorsement Letter (PDF, 5.16 MB)
| 06.09.2019 |
E_FW_ Star Casino Modification 13 Design Excellence Brief (PDF, 5.61 MB)
| 06.09.2019 |
F1Urban Context Report Russell Olsson 6 September 2019 (PDF, 2.83 MB)
| 06.09.2019 |
F2_RO CV 030919 (PDF, 80.44 KB)
| 06.09.2019 |
Document | Date |
22 August 2019 Correspondence to IPC_Redacted (PDF, 174.5 KB)
| 22.08.2019 |
A_22 August 2019 Correspondence to IPC_Redacted (PDF, 174.5 KB)
| 06.09.2019 |
Applicant Plans A 20190814 (PDF, 9.72 MB)
| 15.08.2019 |
Applicant Plans B 20190814 (PDF, 16.09 MB)
| 15.08.2019 |
Applicant Plans C 20190815 (PDF, 6.82 MB)
| 15.08.2019 |
IPC Applicant Briefing 20190814 (PDF, 116.16 MB)
| 15.08.2019 |
Document | Date |
190822 IN Letter from Star Meeting Request (PDF, 268.51 KB)
| 11.09.2019 |
190826 OUT Matt Bekier Star Meeting Record Policy (PDF, 460.07 KB)
| 11.09.2019 |
Document | Date |
Site Inspection Booklet (PDF, 23.8 MB)
| 03.09.2019 |
Star Site Inspection Notes (PDF, 58.26 KB)
| 03.09.2019 |
Document | Date |
Public Meeting Notice (PDF, 157.78 KB)
| 09.08.2019 |
Public Meeting Schedule V2 (PDF, 149.49 KB)
| 26.08.2019 |
Registration Form (PDF, 137.93 KB)
| 09.08.2019 |
Registration Form (DOCX, 137.93 KB)
| 09.08.2019 |
Star Casino Public Meeting 20190827 (PDF, 261.47 KB)
| 02.09.2019 |
Document | Date |
DoGooder campaign combined (PDF, 117.74 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Andre Veerman_Redacted (PDF, 39.09 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Carleton Nothling_Redacted (PDF, 127.4 KB)
| 16.09.2019 |
Andrew Pickles_Redacted (PDF, 1.73 MB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Choon Lee_Redacted (PDF, 14.72 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Chris Durman_Redacted (PDF, 20.51 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
David Zaoui_Redacted (PDF, 103.25 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Eric Skinner_Redacted (PDF, 22.76 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Eugene Tan_Redacted (PDF, 47.12 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Jane Fitzgerald Property Council of Australia_Redacted (PDF, 289.74 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Janneke Omgo NiewegRedacted (PDF, 14.67 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
John Stedman_Redacted (PDF, 68.7 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Kurt Cheng_Redacted (PDF, 18.63 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Lyn Collingwood_Redacted (PDF, 33.7 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Maggie Garnett_Redacted (PDF, 35.8 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Manuela Epstein_Redacted (PDF, 101.94 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Mario Evangelo_Redacted (PDF, 14.63 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Martin Katherine StevensonRedacted (PDF, 55.69 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Michael Johnson Tourism Accommodation Australia_Redacted (PDF, 743.85 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Name withheld 1_Redacted (PDF, 101.67 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Name withheld 2_Redacted (PDF, 50.48 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Neville Cushla MonkRedacted (PDF, 65.47 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Paton Jamieson_Redacted (PDF, 99.46 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Peter Shergold_Redacted (PDF, 36.07 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Robert Lynch_Redacted (PDF, 36.84 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Sandra Woods_Redacted (PDF, 14.75 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Document | Date |
190807INCheongreStar redevelopmentRedacted (PDF, 2.41 MB)
| 08.08.2019 |
191016Conflicts Register UPDATED (PDF, 145.73 KB)
| 16.10.2019 |
Meeting information
9:30am Tuesday 27 August
The Barnet Long Room Customs House 31 Alfred Street Circular Quay Sydney NSW 2000
Livestream and recordings
A livestream of this public event will commence at the advertised event start time. A video recording of the public event, which may be edited or redacted prior to publication in line with our guidelines, will be published as soon as practicable after the event and be available until the case is completed.
Speaker schedule and transcripts
Document | Date |
Star Casino Public Meeting 20190827 (PDF, 261.47 KB)
| 02.09.2019 |
Speaker documents
Document | Date |
190827 IPC Public Meeting_MP08_0098 (PDF, 34.94 MB)
| 03.09.2019 |
DPIE_IPC presentation slides (PDF, 957 KB)
| 03.09.2019 |
Eddi Cohen_IPC presentation 27 Aug 2019 (PDF, 2.85 MB)
| 03.09.2019 |
Elizabeth Elenius_Redacted (PDF, 257.2 KB)
| 04.09.2019 |
Katherine ORegan (PDF, 260.41 KB)
| 04.09.2019 |
Ken Louden_Redacted (PDF, 125.91 KB)
| 04.09.2019 |
Raema Lancaster (PDF, 179.15 KB)
| 04.09.2019 |
Scott Gibbons (PDF, 2.06 MB)
| 04.09.2019 |
Urban Taskforce Aust_IPC The Star Ritz Carlton (PDF, 4.68 MB)
| 03.09.2019 |
Vasilij Schlusser (PDF, 95.24 KB)
| 04.09.2019 |
William dAnthesRedacted (PDF, 210.23 KB)
| 04.09.2019 |
Zena VaassenRedacted (PDF, 53.34 KB)
| 09.09.2019 |
Public meeting notification
The meeting will be open to the public to observe the proceedings; however, if you would like to apply to speak at the meeting you must register before 5 pm on Friday, 23 August 2019, by:
Completing the Registration Form and emailing it to [email protected]. We will then notify you if your request to speak has been accepted.
Because we know some people find public speaking trying, and there will be others who cannot attend on the day, we will accept written comments up to one week after the public meeting. Written comments are weighed the same as spoken presentations.
For further details, please see the Notice for the Public meeting.
This public meeting will be recorded, and a written transcript published on our website. Speakers should familiarise themselves with the Commission’s 'Public Meeting Guidelines' prior to presenting to the Panel.
The Commission reserves the right to cancel or postpone a public meeting without prior notice at its discretion, including on the advertised day of the public hearing. Where a public meeting is postponed or cancelled, the Commission will publish a statement to this effect on its website as soon as is reasonably practicable after the decision to postpone or cancel the public meeting has been made
If you have any questions about the public meeting process or Commission's role with the project, please contact the officer assisting the Commission, Alana Jelfs on (02) 9383 2100.
Meeting information
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
Applicant Meeting Agenda 190814 (PDF, 41.88 KB)
| 15.08.2019 |
Speaking Order IPC Applicant Briefing (PDF, 94.57 KB)
| 10.09.2019 |
Star Casino Redevelopment 20190814_Applicant Transcript (PDF, 363.58 KB)
| 22.08.2019 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting information
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
Council Meeting Agenda 190815 (PDF, 41.65 KB)
| 15.08.2019 |
Star Casino Redevelopment 20190815 Council Transcript Reissue 1 (PDF, 151.72 KB)
| 22.08.2019 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting information
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
Department Meeting Agenda 190814 (PDF, 42.53 KB)
| 15.08.2019 |
Star Casino Redevelopment 20190814_DPIE Transcript (PDF, 174.45 KB)
| 22.08.2019 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Public submissions
The Commission finalised this case over two years ago. All public submissions have been archived in compliance with the NSW State Records Act. To access these submissions, please send a request to [email protected] or call 02 9383 2100.