It also sets key governance and performance objectives to improve the effectiveness of the Commission in determining contentious state significant development applications and providing independent expert advice, when required.
Included in the Statement of Expectations are key performance indicators in respect of timeframes for decision-making by the Commission. See Timeframes for decisions for more information.
The Commission is required to monitor and report on its performance against its timing KPIs in its annual report and quarterly on its website for state significant development determinations.
The report for the quarter ending 31 December 2024 can be found here.
In accordance with Section 9 of theAnnual Reports (Departments) Act 1985, the Office of the Independent Planning Commission is required to submit an annual report to the Minister for presentation to NSW Parliament.
The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 requires the Commission to provide an annual report on its operations to the Minister. Annual reports for the Independent Planning Commission and former Planning Assessment Commission can be found below.
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