Translation support services
The Commission supports community members through the use of Translating & Interpreting Service (TIS National) for in-language assistance for preparation of written submissions, support for translating documents and when attending a public meetings/hearings or site visit when requested. To access these services please contact the Commission directly.
People who are visually impaired
To improve visibility, the entire web page can be increased in size by holding the Ctrl key and rolling the scroll wheel of the mouse forward or by selecting the zoom option located within your browser setting. If you are browsing the website with a screen reader and find information in PDF format that you can not access please contact the Commission directly.
People who are hard of hearing
To improve accessibility to public meetings/hearings the provision of hearing loops can be provide upon request to the Commission, to access these services for an upcoming public meeting or hearing please contact the Commission directly.
People with restricted Internet access
The Independent Planning Commission aims to keep the size of all PDF documents on the website below 10 megabytes. However this may not always be possible in all cases. For example: large development proposals, or documents containing large images or maps.
If you have difficulties accessing content on this website please contact the Commission directly.