Case progress
Advice providedCategory
Request for advice
Chair of IPC Panel
Peter Duncan AM
Other IPC Panel Members
Professor Richard Mackay AM
Map showing the location
Document | Date |
190313 Advice Report Rosehill Street Redfern (PDF, 399.99 KB)
| 13.03.2019 |
190313 Media Release Rosehill Street Redfern (PDF, 254.84 KB)
| 13.03.2019 |
Department of Planning and Environment Assessment Report
Information from Council
Document | Date |
City to IPC Response to Gibbons report (PDF, 170.68 KB)
| 15.02.2019 |
Council Advice Letter 3 July 2017 Redacted (PDF, 143.23 KB)
| 06.03.2019 |
Council Response to LSPS (PDF, 206.21 KB)
| 14.02.2019 |
IPC meeting materials strategic map (PDF, 1.33 MB)
| 08.02.2019 |
RE_ Rosehill Street Redfern (PDF, 208.4 KB)
| 14.02.2019 |
Redfern VPA letter Proponent to Council 9818 (PDF, 931.55 KB)
| 27.02.2019 |
Rosehill_4478_IPC_EnvelopeSketch (PDF, 932.42 KB)
| 08.02.2019 |
Rosehill_4478_IPC_UD (PDF, 4.96 MB)
| 08.02.2019 |
Rosehill_4478_IPC_WillowPR_pp4042 (PDF, 187.91 KB)
| 08.02.2019 |
Information from Department
Document | Date |
1 Correspondence between Council and Proponent various dates 3Redacted (PDF, 1015.83 KB)
| 25.02.2019 |
25.02.2019 | |
25.02.2019 | |
Department Response Status of LUIIP (PDF, 185.17 KB)
| 15.02.2019 |
22.02.2019 | |
Response from Department to Gibbons Report (PDF, 63.2 KB)
| 15.02.2019 |
Information from Proponent
Document | Date |
Appendix 1 IPC Meeting Material Strategic Map (PDF, 1.33 MB)
| 14.02.2019 |
Appendix 2 IPCCouncil Transcript (PDF, 210.14 KB)
| 14.02.2019 |
Appendix 3 Key Stakeholder Agencies and Land Parcels (PDF, 2.51 MB)
| 14.02.2019 |
Appendix 4 Existing B4 Zoned Lands (PDF, 4.39 MB)
| 14.02.2019 |
Appendix 7 Council Feedback on VPA 290618_Redacted (PDF, 113.74 KB)
| 25.02.2019 |
Cover Letter (PDF, 449.78 KB)
| 14.02.2019 |
Information from Proponent Independent Architectural Review
Document | Date |
| 23.01.2019 |
Presentation by Proponent
Document | Date |
190201 Redfern PP presentation Final (PDF, 6.68 MB)
| 14.02.2019 |
Document | Date |
27.02.2019 | |
190305Response to Mills Oakley letter (PDF, 44.37 KB)
| 06.03.2019 |
Letter to IPC 4 March 2019 (PDF, 220.16 KB)
| 06.03.2019 |
RE_ Rosehill Street Redfern (PDF, 174.17 KB)
| 14.02.2019 |
Response to Mills Oakley 26219 (PDF, 44.33 KB)
| 27.02.2019 |
Site Inspection Notes
Document | Date |
Site Inspection Notes_Redfern (PDF, 134.7 KB)
| 06.02.2019 |
Conflict of Interest Register
Document | Date |
20190218 Register IPC Conflicts (PDF, 43.89 KB)
| 18.02.2019 |
Meeting with Applicant Transcript
Meeting information
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting with Council Transcript
Meeting information
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting with DPE Transcript
Meeting information
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.