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Page last updated
Planning Officer
Casey Joshua
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Case Status: Determined - Approved
Referral received: 01/10/2019


Wahroonga Estate Concept Plan Mod 8 Statement of Reasons
Wahroonga Estate Concept Plan Mod 8 Instrument of Modification
Wahroonga Estate Concept Plan Mod 8 Media Release
Referral Letter
Final Assessment Report
Recommended Modifying Instrument
Addendum Assessment Report Final
Addendum Modification Instrument Final
191108INDepartmentFurther APZ adviceRedacted
191101OUTDepartmentBushfire APZRedacted
201013 IN DPIE Addendum Report
191025INDPIE response bushfire carparking_Redacted
1901017OUTDepartmentAdditional information re conditions
191202OUTDepartmentConservation boundaryRedacted
191030INKMC response bushfire carparking
1901018OUTKu rin gai CouncilAdditional information re conditions
191022INEthos UrbanAdd InfoAPZ Overshadowing BushfirecombinedRedacted
191022INLegal Advice from Applicantconditions B4 B5Redacted
191015INApplicant Additional Information re bushfire carparking conditionsRedacted
191015 Attachment A Approved Biodiversity Management Plan
191015 Attachment B Vegetation Transition Management Line Survey
191015 Attachment C Overlay of Vegetation Transition Management Line and E2 Zone
191112_IN_Applicant_Height and Privacy_Redacted
Public Meeting Notice
Speaker registration form
191107_Site Inspection Notes
General Submissions on additional material 23 October to 30 October 2020
201027 Dympna Sly
201028 Avona Butterfield
201028 John Li
201029 Belinda Ing
201029 Matthew Ing
201029 Maud Seron
201029 Milly Bardajian
201029 Paula Hennessy
201030 Amanda Barr
201030 Carli Jeffrey
201030 Chanel Gibson
201030 Elizabeth Ann Campbell
201030 Fox Valley Region Action Group
201030 Glenda Downing
201030 Jeanne van Warmelo
201030 John Farrar
201030 Leah Pascoe
201030 Loredana Dinca
201030 Mark Digby
201030 Martin Schroeder
201030 Melanie Martin
201030 Nathan Fehlberg
201030 NSW Department of Primary Industries
201030 Paul van Warmelo_Redacted
201030 Renee Dodds
201030 Russell Fehlberg
201030 Winston Jeffrey
201030 Yen Heng
201030 Zelda Hamman
Applicant submission October 2020
201026Applicants Submission on Additional Material
Submission period 24 October 2019 to 14 November 2019
191024_Fox Valley Region Action Group FRAG Comments
191025_P Tresidder_Redacted
191026_M Daidone_Redacted
191029_Sovereign Grace Church_Redacted
191104_Dr B Newman_Redacted
191105_G Barbour_Redacted
191105_V Dimmick_Redacted
191107_A Hillier_Redacted
191107_J Van Warmelo_Redacted
191108_Anonymous Objection 2_Redacted
191108_G Wiseman 2
191108_M Barnett_Redacted
191111_A Hein_Redacted
191111_Anonymous Objection_Redacted
191111_C Simes_Redacted
191112_A Johnston_Redacted
191112_D Percy_Redacted
191112_G Gleeson_Redacted
191112_L Coote_Redacted
191112_Y Heng 2_Redacted
191112_Y Heng_Redacted
191113_A Luiz_Redacted
191113_C Coville_Redacted
191113_D Zandstra_Redacted
191113_J Farrar_Redacted
191113_P Orenstein_Redacted
191113_S Percy_Redacted
191114_A Berzins_Redacted
191114_A Butterfield_Redacted
191114_A Lachsz_Redacted
191114_Ad van den Boogaard
191114_Anonymous Objection 3_Redacted
191114_G Wiseman_Redacted
191114_M Coville_Redacted
191114_M Digby
191114_M Lachsz_Redacted
191114_M Orenstein_Redacted
191114_N AndrewsHay_Redacted
191114_N Rowe_Redacted
191114_R A Stretton_Redacted
191114_R Butterfield_Redacted
191114_T Andrew 2_Redacted
191114_T Andrews_Redacted
191010Conflicts Register


Date and time
Meeting documents
MOD 8 Presentation v2
191022INLegal Advice from ApplicantBushfire Protection 002Redacted
WAHROONGA ESTATE 20191022_Applicant

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:


This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.

Date and time
Meeting documents
WAHROONGA ESTATE 20191022_Council

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:


This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.

Date and time
Meeting documents

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:


This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.

Date and time
8:30 PM Thu 07 November 2019
Kur-ring-gai Town Hall
1186 Pacific Highway PYMBLE NSW 2073
Casey Joshua
Meeting documents
Public Meeting Notice
Speaker registration form
Public Meeting Schedule_R1
191107_Public Meeting Transcript
Public Meeting Presentation_Amanda Barr
Public Meeting Presentation_GailWiseman
Public Meeting Presentation_Jeanne van Warmelo
Public Meeting Presentation_Melanie Martin

The meeting will be open to the public to observe the proceedings; however, if you would like to apply to speak at the meeting you must register before 5pm AEDT on Monday 4 November 2019, by:

Completing the Registration Form and emailing it to We will then notify you if your request to speak has been accepted.  

Because we know some people find public speaking trying, and there will be others who cannot attend on the day, we will accept written comments up to one week after the public meeting. Written comments are weighed the same as spoken presentations.

For further details, please see the Notice for the Public Meeting.

The Commission reserves the right to cancel or postpone a public meeting without prior notice at its discretion, including on the advertised day of the public meeting. Where a public meeting is postponed or cancelled, the Commission will publish a statement to this effect on its website as soon as is reasonably practicable after the decision to postpone or cancel the public meeting has been made.

This public meeting will be recorded, and a written transcript published on our website. Speakers should familiarise themselves with the Commission’s ‘Public Meeting Guidelines’ prior to presenting to the Panel. If you have any questions about the public meeting process or Commission's role with the project, please contact the officer assisting the Commission, Casey Joshua, on (02) 9383 2100.

Public Submissions

Make a Submission

We recognise the importance of community participation in our decision-making process. Using our ‘Make a submission’ form is the easiest way for you to make a submission on cases currently before the Commission.