Case progress
Advice providedCategory
Request for advice
Chair of IPC Panel
Peter Williams
Other IPC Panel Members
Russell Miller AM
In line with our Transparency Policy, everything the Panel hears, sees and reads about a case can be accessed on this case page, with some limited exceptions.
Map showing the location
Document | Date |
20190221 Advice Report Canterbury Rd Belmore (PDF, 449.53 KB)
| 21.02.2019 |
Department of Planning and Environment Assessment Report
Document | Date |
Referral Letter (PDF, 834.58 KB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Assessment Report (PDF, 1.22 MB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment A Planning Proposal (PDF, 2.68 MB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment B Residential_Development_Strategy (PDF, 18.32 MB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment C Gateway Determination (PDF, 225.82 KB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment D Canterbury Road Review (PDF, 2.5 MB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment E Current planning controls under Canterbury LEP 2012 (PDF, 729.3 KB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment F Local Planning Panel Minutes (PDF, 115.63 KB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment G Alteration of Gateway determination (PDF, 688.59 KB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment H Letter to proponent (PDF, 252.63 KB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment I Proponents justification (PDF, 1.3 MB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment J Council comments (PDF, 5.27 MB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment K Extracts from Council meeting agenda and minutes (PDF, 494.81 KB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Attachment L Timeline of key events (PDF, 121.86 KB)
| 09.01.2019 |
Information received from Canterbury Bankstown Council
Document | Date |
25.02.2019 | |
Council Briefing (PDF, 1.12 MB)
| 23.01.2019 |
Information received from the Proponent
Document | Date |
1130319 642644 Canterbury RoadLetterPacific Planning6219b (PDF, 1.95 MB)
| 12.02.2019 |
Canterbury Plans 1 (PDF, 5.78 MB)
| 23.01.2019 |
Canterbury Plans 2 (PDF, 3.32 MB)
| 23.01.2019 |
Canterbury Plans 3 (PDF, 8.69 MB)
| 23.01.2019 |
Letter to the IPC dated 6 February 2019 (PDF, 1.41 MB)
| 12.02.2019 |
Strategic Planning Response Feb 2019 (PDF, 1.48 MB)
| 12.02.2019 |
Public Comments
Document | Date |
20190201 Letter Helen Anastasios Ouzounidis (PDF, 7.38 MB)
| 05.02.2019 |
20190201 Letter Platts Avenue Residence (PDF, 1.17 MB)
| 05.02.2019 |
20190202 Letter Keep Our Area Suburban (PDF, 3.17 MB)
| 11.02.2019 |
20190220 Letter Keep Our Area Suburban 2 (PDF, 3.36 MB)
| 21.02.2019 |
Conflict of Interest Register
Document | Date |
Register IPC Conflicts (PDF, 89.38 KB)
| 14.01.2019 |
IPC Meeting with Council Transcript
Meeting information
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
IPC Meeting with DPE Transcript
Meeting information
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
IPC Meeting with Proponent Transcript
Meeting information
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.