Case progress
Determined – approvedCategory
Industrial development
Chair of IPC Panel
John Hann
Map showing the location
Document | Date |
Qantas Flight Training Centre Statement of Reasons (PDF, 1.26 MB)
| 29.11.2019 |
Qantas Flight Training Centre Development Consent (PDF, 1.38 MB)
| 29.11.2019 |
Qantas Flight Training Centre Media Release (PDF, 260.75 KB)
| 29.11.2019 |
Referral from Department of Planning Industry and Environment
Document | Date |
Department Referral Letter (PDF, 324 KB)
| 14.11.2019 |
Qantas Assessment Report Final (PDF, 3.08 MB)
| 14.11.2019 |
Recommended Conditions (PDF, 1.61 MB)
| 14.11.2019 |
Document | Date |
191122_IN_Applicant_Arcadis SEPP55 Review_Redacted (PDF, 162.17 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
191122_IN_DPIE_Post meeting information_Redacted (PDF, 10.12 MB)
| 25.11.2019 |
25.11.2019 | |
191122OUTBayside CouncilSeeking advicev2Redacted (PDF, 124.19 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
191125OUTDepartmentDraft SEPP 55 GuidelinesRedacted (PDF, 124.77 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
191126INDepartment responseConditions B42 B43 and B44Redacted (PDF, 139.38 KB)
| 27.11.2019 |
191126INDepartment responseDraft SEPP 55 Guidelines (PDF, 770.92 KB)
| 26.11.2019 |
191126OUTDepartmentre Conditions B42 B43 B44Redacted (PDF, 135.15 KB)
| 26.11.2019 |
191128_IN_Department response to proposed condition amendments (PDF, 162.68 KB)
| 28.11.2019 |
28.11.2019 | |
191128OUTDepartmentProposed condition amendmentsRedacted (PDF, 3.93 MB)
| 28.11.2019 |
Site Visit
Document | Date |
191119_Qantas Site Visit Notes (PDF, 51.08 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
Conflict of Interest Register
Document | Date |
191126Conflicts Register (PDF, 41.72 KB)
| 26.11.2019 |
Meeting with Applicant
Meeting information
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
191119ApplicantMeetingAgendav2 (PDF, 41.03 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
TRANSCRIPT IPC MEETING 20191119_Applicant (PDF, 172.4 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
191119_Applicant presentation Qantas (PDF, 47.55 MB)
| 25.11.2019 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting with Department
Meeting information
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
191119DepartmentMeetingAgendav2 (PDF, 40.98 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
TranscriptIPC MEETING 20191119DPIE Reissue1 (PDF, 169.58 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
191119_DPIE presentation Qantas (PDF, 2.01 MB)
| 25.11.2019 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.