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An Application for a Gateway Certificate has been made to the Mining and Petroleum Gateway Panel by Cadia Holdings Pty Limited. The Application is proposing an extension of the existing Southern Tailings Storage Facility which will involve the disturbance of Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land.

Case Category
Mining and Petroleum Gateway Panel
Page last updated
Commissioner (Panel Chair)
Professor Neal Menzies
Other Commissioners
Hugh Middlemis, Clinton Foster
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Case Status: In Progress
Referral received: 30/07/2024

Key Dates

30 Jul 2024
Referral received


Appendix 1 BSAL Site Verification Assessment redacted
Appendix 2 Soil Survey Summary and Soil Profile Descriptions
Appendix 3 Certificates of Analysis
Appendix 4 Land and Soil Capability Assessment Ratings
Appendix 5 Site and Technology Selection Report redacted
Gateway Application redacted
Gateway Application Report
Notice of Gateway Application
Schedule of Lands


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