NSW Independent Planning Commission

Glenellen Solar Farm


Development of a 200 MW solar farm and associated infrastructure.

Case progress


Determined – approved
Chair of IPC Panel
Other IPC Panel Members
Dr Bronwyn Evans AM, Adrian Pilton

Map showing the location

Submissions closed
Speaker registration closed
Key dates
Submissions end 23/11/2023 at 5.00pm
Speaker registration end 09/11/2023 at 12.00pm
Public meeting
  • 9.00am Thursday 16 November
    Albury Entertainment Centre - Theatrette 525 Swift Street Albury NSW 2640


Case outcome
Commission conflicts of interest register
Conflicts register (PDF, 83.55 KB)
Case referral documents from DPE
Assessment report (PDF, 2.23 MB)
Referral letter (PDF, 115.65 KB)
Case correspondence to and from the Commission


Public meeting
Registration closed
Registrations end 09/11/2023 at 12.00pm

Meeting information

  • 9:00am Thursday 16 November
    Albury Entertainment Centre - Theatrette 525 Swift Street Albury NSW 2640

Livestream and recordings

A livestream of this public event will commence at the advertised event start time. A video recording of the public event, which may be edited or redacted prior to publication in line with our guidelines, will be published as soon as practicable after the event and be available until the case is completed.

Speaker schedule and transcripts


Speaker documents

Lynette LaBlack video 1 (MOV, 22.6 MB)
Lynette LaBlack video 2 (MOV, 28.66 MB)
Lynette LaBlack video 3 (MOV, 37.85 MB)

Public meeting notification

The community will be able to have their say in a Public Meeting on a proposal by Trina Solar (Australia) Pty Ltd to develop a large-scale photovoltaic solar farm with an estimated electricity generation capacity of 200 MW, and associated infrastructure.

The proposed Glenellen Solar Farm is a State significant development application located on Ortlipp Road, approximately 2 kilometres north-east of Jindera. The decision on whether the Glenellen Solar Farm will be given planning approval has been referred to the NSW Independent Planning Commission because the Department of Planning and Environment received at least 50 unique submissions objecting to the proposal.

Commissioners Dr Sheridan Coakes (Chair), Mr Adrian Pilton and Dr Bronwyn Evans AM have been appointed by Acting Commission Chair, Professor Neal Menzies, to determine the application.

A Public Meeting on the Glenellen Solar Farm will be held at the Albury Entertainment Centre, in the Theatrette at 525 Swift Street, Albury NSW 2640. The Public Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, 16 November 2023​, starting at 9:00am. In addition, the Commission is also inviting written submissions from the public.

The Commission has access to all previous written submissions made to the Department of Planning and Environment on this application, however it is particularly helpful for the Commission to hear the community’s views on the Department’s recent Assessment Report and recommended conditions of consent. 

The key issues identified in the Department’s whole-of-government assessment of the development application include land use compatibility, loss of agricultural land, visual impacts, biodiversity, noise, traffic and transport.

Anyone wishing to present at the Public Meeting must pre-register on the Commission’s website using the Speaker Registration Form. 

Registered speakers for the Public Meeting will be asked to indicate their preference for presenting to the Commission Panel either in person or via telephone conferencing.

The deadline for speaker registrations is 12.00pm on Thursday 9 November, 2023.

Please note
If demand for speaker timeslots is high and Thursday 16 November 2023 becomes fully booked, the Commission will endeavour to schedule a second day for the Public Meeting to continue into Friday 17 November 2023. Conversely, if demand for attendance at the Public Meeting is very low, the Commission may instead opt to conduct a virtual video conference using Zoom and/or targeted consultation meetings.

If either of these scenarios occur, this will be fully communicated to all registered speakers in advance. Please read the Speaker Registration Form carefully, and provide as much detail as possible.

These flexible arrangements ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to be heard, while also making best use of public resources.

Written submissions on the proposed Glenellen Solar Farm can be made via the ‘Make a Submission’ portal on the Commission’s website.

The Commission will also accept submissions received by the close date made via post or email.

Written submissions will be accepted until 5.00pm on Thursday 23 November 2023.

Meeting with DPE

Meeting information

Date and time

9:30 AM Wed 01 November 2023

Meeting documents



The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.

Meeting with Council

Meeting information

Date and time

11:30 AM Wed 01 November 2023

Meeting documents

Council Meeting Transcript (PDF, 154.25 KB)


The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.

Meeting with Applicant

Meeting information

Date and time

12:30 PM Wed 01 November 2023

Meeting documents



The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.

Site Inspection

Site Inspection information

Date and time

3:00 PM Wed 15 November 2023

Site Inspection documents

Site Inspection Notes (PDF, 968.13 KB)


The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.

Public submissions

ID Name Date Submission
Jim Parrett 27/11/2023
Lynette LaBlack 23/11/2023
Lynette LaBlack 23/11/2023
Lynette LaBlack 23/11/2023
Name Redacted 11/11/2023
ID Name Date Submission
Name Redacted 23/11/2023
Name Redacted 23/11/2023
Jim Parrett 23/11/2023
Stirling Moll 23/11/2023
Name Redacted 22/11/2023
Name Redacted 22/11/2023
Name Redacted 21/11/2023
Name Redacted 20/11/2023
Ross Palmer 19/11/2023
Karen Hoelscher 19/11/2023
Name Redacted 19/11/2023
Amanda Walters 16/11/2023
Denise & TIM O'Keeffe 15/11/2023
Name Redacted 15/11/2023
Name Redacted 15/11/2023
Name Redacted 15/11/2023
Detlef Hoelscher 14/11/2023
Alexandra Digby 14/11/2023
Name Redacted 14/11/2023
alan moran 14/11/2023
Name Redacted 13/11/2023
David and Susan Palmer 13/11/2023
Name Redacted 12/11/2023
Daniel Moll 09/11/2023
CAROLYN EMMS 09/11/2023
Ron Hunter 06/11/2023
Name Redacted 06/11/2023
Name Redacted 06/11/2023
Name Redacted 05/11/2023
Name Redacted 05/11/2023
ID Name Date Submission
Name Redacted 23/11/2023
Name Redacted 22/11/2023
Helen Weidner 22/11/2023
Name Redacted 22/11/2023
Name Redacted 22/11/2023
Name Redacted 22/11/2023
Adam & Karen Weidner 21/11/2023
Simon Jhonston 20/11/2023
Simon Jhonston 20/11/2023
Name Redacted 19/11/2023
John Weidner 19/11/2023
Lilow Pastoral Company Weidner 18/11/2023
Name Redacted 18/11/2023
Name Redacted 18/11/2023
Name Redacted 16/11/2023
Name Redacted 16/11/2023
Christopher Hobbins 16/11/2023
Lincoln Weidner 14/11/2023
Brendan Murphy 13/11/2023
James Grimshaw 10/11/2023
Name Redacted 09/11/2023
Name Redacted 09/11/2023
Martin Salzke 09/11/2023
Name Redacted 08/11/2023
Name Redacted 30/10/2023
Name Redacted 26/10/2023