NSW Independent Planning Commission

Dr Bronwyn Evans AM

Appointed February 2023

Dr Bronwyn Evans AM is the Chair of Building4.0 CRC, a Director of Standard Communications (GME), a Director of ACOR Consultants and a Director of listed medical device company EBR Systems Inc (ASX EBR). She was recently a member of the NSW Modern Manufacturing Taskforce and she Chairs the NSW Bushfire Mission Expert Panel.

She recently held the positions of CEO of Engineers Australia and CEO of Standards Australia. She has led innovation initiatives, including as Chair of the Growth Centre for MedTech and Pharmaceuticals

Dr Evans has 40 years’ experience in engineering, including at Cochlear, GE Healthcare, BHP Steel and Electricity Commission of NSW. She has a PhD in Electrical Engineering, an Honorary Doctorate from Swinburne University, is an Honorary Fellow of University of Wollongong and Engineers Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. In 2021 she received an AM in the Queen’s Birthday honours for significant service to engineering, to standards, and to medical technology.

Bronwyn Evans headshot