Dr Sheridan Coakes
Appointed May 2021
Dr Sheridan Coakes is a Social Scientist with 30 years research and applied experience in the areas of social impact assessment (SIA) and stakeholder and community engagement. Sherie has contributed to the development and institutionalisation of SIA practice in industry and government across Australia and has been involved in numerous large-scale public and private sector development projects in diverse sectors such as mining, quarrying, oil and gas, forestry, renewable energy, infrastructure and urban development.
Sherie currently holds the position of National Social Practice Lead with Umwelt Australia, is a Convenor of the SIA Community of Practice for the Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ), has led the SIA Strategic Environmental Advisory Committee, charged with developing a specialist certification for SIA in Australia and New Zealand, and sits on the Certified Environmental Practitioners (CEnvP) Certification Board.