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Staged Development Application (Concept Proposal) for a residential apartment tower, non-residential podium envelope and public domain improvements.

Reference number
SSD 7874
Case Category
Urban Development
Page last updated
Commissioner (Panel Chair)
Dianne Leeson
Other Commissioners
Wendy Lewin
Planning Officer
Kate Moore, Lindsey Blecher
Share this case
Case Status: Determined - Approved
Referral received: 19/04/2021

Key Dates

01 Apr 2021
Referral received
01 Apr 2021
Public meeting speaker registrations open
01 Apr 2021
Submissions open
13 Apr 2021
Site inspection
20 Apr 2021
Meeting with Applicant - one
20 Apr 2021
Meeting with DPE
20 Apr 2021
Meeting with Sydney City Council
21 Apr 2021
Public meeting speaker registrations deadline
28 Apr 2021
Public meeting
05 May 2021
Submissions deadline
06 May 2021
Meeting with Applicant - two
13 May 2021
Submissions reopen on additional material
20 May 2021
Submissions on additional material deadline
25 Jun 2021


210625 Harbourside Shopping Centre Redevelopment SSD 7874 Instrument of Consent
210625 Harbourside Shopping Centre Redevelopment SSD 7874 Statement of Reasons
210625 Harbourside Media Release
210513 Statement from the Commission
210331 IN DPIE referral
DPIE Final Assessment Report
DPIE Recommended Conditions of Consent
210528 OUT IPC to DPIE regarding Draft Conditions Redacted
210601 IN DPIE to IPC Response to IPC Recommended Conditions of Consent Redacted
210603 OUT IPC to DPIE Harbourside Shopping Centre Redevelopment SSD 7874 Redacted
210610 OUT IPC to DPIE Harbourside Shopping Centre Redevelopment SSD 7874 Correspondence Redacted
210611 IN DPIE to IPC Harbourside Shopping Centre Redevelopment SD 7874 correspondence with attach
210615 IN DPIE to IPC Attaching Email Correspondence from the Applicant Redact
210513 Department Email to IPC including Further Information from Applicant
210423 OUT IPC to DPIE Harbourside Redevelopment
210423 OUT IPC to DPIE QoN Harbourside Redevelopment
210503 OUT IPC to DPIE QoN Public Meeting Harbourside Redacted
210505 OUT IPC to DPIE Ferris Wheel Redacted
210505 IN DPIE Response to Request for Additional Information_Redacted
210506 Applicant Meeting Presentation
210506 Applicant Meeting Transcript
Conflicts Register Harbourside Shopping Centre Redevelopment
210413 Harbourside Record of Site Inspection
210413 Harbourside Applicant Printed Presentation Handout
210413 Harbourside Site Inspection Map Attachment A to Record of Site Inspection
210413 Harbourside Site Inspection Images Attachment B to Record of Site Inspection
210428 Applicant Presentation
210428 Ballanda Sack
210428 David Palmer
210428 Dr Richard Lamb
210428 Jacqueline Lee
210428 Ken Louden
210429 Elizabeth Elenius
210513 David D_Redacted
210514 Helen Mok_Redacted
210514 Jenny Atkinson_Redacted
210514 Rachel Shepherd_Redacted
210515 Eliathamby S Seelan_Redacted
210516 Geraldine Campbell_Redacted
210517 Anthony Gavan_Redacted
210517 Igor Shpanlinski
210517 K Keogh_Redacted
210517 Kerry Keogh
210517 Linda Joukhador
210517 Marcel Joukhador
210517 Natalie Abood
210517 Norman lockett
210517 Sarah Furney
210517 Tanya Zaarour
210518 Austin Richardson_Redacted
210518 Christopher and Ellen Stiles
210518 Ethan Richardson_Redacted
210518 Hayden Richardson_Redacted
210518 Hylda Rolfe
210518 Ian Richardson
210518 Jacqueline Lee
210518 Julianne Richardson
210518 Michael Kelly
210518 Name Redacted 1
210518 Name Redacted 2
210518 Pyrmont Action Inc_Redacted
210518 Rusell Waddington
210518 Sabine and Peter Horner_Redacted
210518 Tony Chiefari_Redacted
210519 Christy Jie Liang_Redacted
210519 E Seelan_Redacted
210519 Ellen Xi
210519 Eva Samsa_Redacted
210519 George Angelidis_Redacted
210519 Henry Mar
210519 Jacky Kun Liu_Redacted
210519 James Cui
210519 Janini Seelan_Redacted
210519 Jeeva Ranee_Redacted
210519 Judith Thompson
210519 Lawrence Lee_redacted
210519 Lulu Bost_Redacted
210519 Marlene McGrath_redacted
210519 Marta Samsa_Redacted
210519 Michael Yin_Redacted
210519 Michelle Winter_Redacted
210519 Ming Tui
210519 Name Redacted 3
210519 Name Redacted 4
210519 Name Redacted 5
210519 Name Redacted 5
210519 Name Redacted 6
210519 Name Redacted 7
210519 Name Redacted 8
210519 Name Redacted 9
210519 Stephen Lee
210519 Tony Winter_Redacted
210519 Toshiko Hioki_Redacted
210519 Tristan Ramsay
210519 Wai Chu Tam
210519 Wai King Lam
210519 William Nguyen
210519 Wongs GroupsRedacted
210519 Woranot Tongon
210520 Barbara MacGregor_Redacted
210520 Benjamin Wu
210520 Bernue Wallace_Redacted
210520 City of Sydney_Redacted
210520 Constantine_Redacted
210520 David Wang_Redacted
210520 Diane Waddington
210520 Dr Ekrem Serefli
210520 Edward Lee_Redacted
210520 Erin McMullen
210520 Friends of Ultimo
210520 Geraldine Campbell_Redacted
210520 Glenn Taylor_Redacted
210520 Hemant Vaswani_Redacted
210520 Janis Elksnis
210520 Jeff Bost_Redacted
210520 Jiaru Sun_Redacted
210520 Joanna Campbell_Redacted
210520 Josie and Guy Di Benedetto_Redacted
210520 Judy Heytman_Redacted
210520 Kevin Crosland
210520 Kim Vo_Redacted
210520 Masanori Hioki_Redacted
210520 Name Redacted 10
210520 Name Redacted 11
210520 Nancy Leung_Redacted
210520 Nick Wu_Redacted
210520 ODH Strata Committee
210520 Riaan Cilliers_Redacted
210520 Sally Varnham
210520 Sanding Liang_Redacted
210520 Stuart Cooke_Redacted
210520 Supreet Elksnis
210520 Trevor and Lesley Dean
210521 Tom Lockley


Date and time
10:00 AM Wed 28 April 2021
Kate Moore
Meeting documents
Public Meeting Notice Harbourside Redevelopment SSD 7874
Harbourside Redevelopment Final Public Meeting Schedule
Harbourside Redevelopment Public Meeting Transcript

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment has now completed its evaluation of the proposed Harbourside Shopping Centre Redevelopment (SSD 7874) at Darling Harbour, in inner-Sydney, and provided it to the Independent Planning Commission NSW for determination.

In line with regulatory requirements introduced in response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, the Commission is not holding face-to-face public meetings at this time. To ensure interested individuals and/or groups can still have their say on the Harbourside Shopping Centre Redevelopment, the Commission will conduct a public meeting remotely by video conference (with an option to participate by telephone).

Commissioners Di Leeson (Panel Chair) and Wendy Lewin have been appointed to determine this state significant development application. They will host this electronic Public Meeting from 10am AEST on Wednesday 28 April 2021 to hear directly from community members.

How to Have Your Say

If you wish to apply to speak at the electronic Public Meeting, you must complete the registration form on our website by no later than 12pm AEST on Wednesday 21 April 2021. Once speakers who wish to participate in the Public Meeting are registered, the Commission will provide additional information about the technical details and process to assist them.

How to watch and/or listen to the Meeting

This electronic Public Meeting will be live-streamed on the Commission’s website: If you have no or limited internet access, you’ll be able to listen to a live audio stream of proceedings by dialing 1800 093 431 and entering the following PIN: 49465831#

In the interests of openness and transparency, a transcript of the public meeting will also be published on the Commission’s website.

Written submissions

If you want to have your say on this project but are unable to participate in the Public Meeting, you can submit your comments in writing to the Commission up to one week (seven days) after the Public Meeting via email, post or our online portal: The deadline for written submissions is 5pm AEST on Wednesday 5 May 2021.


Date and time
11:00 AM Thu 06 May 2021
Lindsey Blecher

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.

Please refer to Additional Material below for meeting transcript and presentation. 

Date and time
1:30 PM Tue 20 April 2021
Lindsey Blecher
Meeting documents
Applicant Meeting Transcript

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.

The Applicant (Mirvac) also presented a video animation that can be viewed here.

Date and time
12:00 PM Tue 20 April 2021
Lindsey Blecher
Meeting documents
Department Meeting Transcript

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.

Date and time
Lindsey Blecher
Meeting documents
Council Meeting Transcript

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.

Public Submissions

210419 Betty Neos
210505 Janis Elksnis_Redacted
210505 Owners of Strata Plan 49259 _Redacted
210505 Supreet Elksnis_Redacted
Make a Submission

We recognise the importance of community participation in our decision-making process. Using our ‘Make a submission’ form is the easiest way for you to make a submission on cases currently before the Commission.