Case progress
Determined – refusedMap showing the location
Document | Date |
Bylong Coal Project SSD 6367 Notice of Refusal (PDF, 77.83 KB)
| 18.09.2019 |
18.09.2019 |
Document | Date |
190727Statement from the CommissionBylong Coal Project (PDF, 134.61 KB)
| 27.07.2019 |
190722Statement from the CommissionBylong Coal Project (PDF, 160.68 KB)
| 21.07.2019 |
190628 Statement from Commission Bylong Coal Project (PDF, 104.57 KB)
| 27.06.2019 |
190501Statement from the CommissionBylong Coal Project (PDF, 111.62 KB)
| 01.05.2019 |
Document | Date |
Referral Letter (PDF, 1.42 MB)
| 07.10.2018 |
Bylong Final Assessment Report Final to IPC (PDF, 28.47 MB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Appendix A KEPCOS Response to the PAC Review (PDF, 30.92 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Appendix B Advice from the Heritage Council of NSW (PDF, 31.77 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Appendix C KEPCOS Supplementary Response Revised Mine Plan (PDF, 33.9 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Appendix D Additional Advice from Agencies (PDF, 65.34 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Appendix E Additional Advice Information (PDF, 99.04 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Appendix F Updated Statutory Consideration (PDF, 839.38 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Appendix G Bilateral Assessment Residual Issues (PDF, 541.26 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Appendix H recommended Conditions (PDF, 29.96 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
190530Statement from Commission (PDF, 158.82 KB)
| 30.05.2019 |
Document | Date |
190527OUTGMLHeritagereBylongCoalProjectRedacted (PDF, 236.63 KB)
| 27.05.2019 |
190530OUTGML Heritage re Bylong Coal ProjectRedacted (PDF, 74.93 KB)
| 30.05.2019 |
190722OUTDPIE re BSALRedacted (PDF, 559.92 KB)
| 23.07.2019 |
Bylong Independent Review Briefing (PDF, 605.69 KB)
| 16.01.2019 |
CIE Final Economic Report (PDF, 257.23 KB)
| 16.01.2019 |
Department Letter to IPC Attachment A (PDF, 2 MB)
| 10.05.2019 |
Department Letter to IPC Attachment B (PDF, 4.1 MB)
| 10.05.2019 |
Department Letter to IPC request for additional advice (PDF, 1.47 MB)
| 10.05.2019 |
Information Request Economic peer review (PDF, 292.65 KB)
| 16.01.2019 |
Information Request Groundwater Assessment (PDF, 299.45 KB)
| 16.01.2019 |
Document | Date |
16.01.2019 | |
181214Response to Glencore Submission dated 12 November 2018 (PDF, 445.34 KB)
| 16.01.2019 |
16.01.2019 | |
16.01.2019 | |
181220INKEPCOGW (PDF, 9.65 MB)
| 27.06.2019 |
190403Information re GHG emissions (PDF, 844.64 KB)
| 05.03.2019 |
190627 IN Response to IPC GML Heritage Advice (PDF, 44.67 MB)
| 28.06.2019 |
190705INApplicant Response to IPC Correspondence 27 June (PDF, 59.94 KB)
| 05.07.2019 |
190723INKEPCO re Gateway certificateredacted (PDF, 350.75 KB)
| 23.07.2019 |
190805INKEPCO Comments on Gateway CertificateRedacted2 (PDF, 119.38 KB)
| 06.08.2019 |
190813INKEPCO Comment on Gateway Certificate (PDF, 123.45 KB)
| 15.08.2019 |
190820INApplicant Gateway Certificate Meeting Request (PDF, 89.44 KB)
| 21.08.2019 |
04.09.2019 |
Document | Date |
Allan Connor (PDF, 11.35 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Blue Mountains Conservation Society (PDF, 818.21 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Bruce Derkenne (PDF, 13.48 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
BVPA (PDF, 7.05 MB)
| 06.08.2019 |
Cathy Merchant (PDF, 33.45 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Christine Jinga (PDF, 125.37 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Derek Finter (PDF, 11.68 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Friendly Farms (PDF, 959.82 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Geoff Miell (PDF, 2.44 MB)
| 05.08.2019 |
| 05.08.2019 |
Ian Dunlop (PDF, 1.25 MB)
| 05.08.2019 |
John L Hayes (PDF, 29.98 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Lock the Gate (PDF, 293.33 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Merran Auland (PDF, 78.15 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Michael Gormly (PDF, 284.11 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Mudgee District Enviroment Group (PDF, 68.91 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
NSWFarmers (PDF, 141.09 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Phil Kennedy (PDF, 36.4 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Philp Le (PDF, 38.69 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Richard Abbott (PDF, 52.61 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Sally Wilson (PDF, 32.53 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Su Morley (PDF, 10.43 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Sue Abbott (PDF, 69.53 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Tag Tanner (PDF, 109.4 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Winnie Fu (PDF, 10.94 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Yuri Bolotin (PDF, 11.08 KB)
| 05.08.2019 |
Document | Date |
20190305_Independent Groundwater Review (PDF, 3.37 MB)
| 10.03.2019 |
Document | Date |
Bylong Coal Project GML Heritage Advice (PDF, 364.96 KB)
| 12.06.2019 |
190618 Statement from Commission (PDF, 110.72 KB)
| 18.06.2019 |
190612Statement from Commission (PDF, 511.58 KB)
| 12.06.2019 |
AnneMaree McLaughlin_Redacted (PDF, 13.8 KB)
| 21.06.2019 |
Blue Mountains Conservation Society_Redacted (PDF, 142.74 KB)
| 24.06.2019 |
BVPA Sub 260619 (PDF, 11.74 MB)
| 26.06.2019 |
Chris Bilsland (PDF, 10.99 KB)
| 28.06.2019 |
Derek Johnston_Redacted (PDF, 10.41 KB)
| 26.06.2019 |
Elizabeth Honey_Redacted (PDF, 10.21 KB)
| 19.06.2019 |
Jan Davis_Redacted (PDF, 34.03 KB)
| 19.06.2019 |
Jenny Holcombe_Redacted (PDF, 57.18 KB)
| 21.06.2019 |
Jenny Rooke_Redacted (PDF, 13.86 KB)
| 19.06.2019 |
John Van Der Kallen (PDF, 70.31 KB)
| 20.06.2019 |
Joint slides TALSI TPT FF and Peter Andrews (PDF, 5.84 MB)
| 27.06.2019 |
Joint Submission TALSI TPT FF and Peter Andrews (PDF, 200.33 KB)
| 27.06.2019 |
Judith Leslie_Redacted (PDF, 75.48 KB)
| 19.06.2019 |
Julie Lyford_Redacted (PDF, 48.49 KB)
| 19.06.2019 |
Kathleen Wild (PDF, 48.02 KB)
| 21.06.2019 |
Lane cove Coal Gas Watch (PDF, 32.21 KB)
| 27.06.2019 |
Lock the gate (PDF, 306.78 KB)
| 27.06.2019 |
Merran Auland (PDF, 1.94 MB)
| 27.06.2019 |
MJ Edwards_Redacted (PDF, 10.6 KB)
| 19.06.2019 |
Nic Clyde_Redacted (PDF, 261.02 KB)
| 27.06.2019 |
Peter Andrews (PDF, 592 KB)
| 27.06.2019 |
Robert McLaughlin_Redacted (PDF, 30.3 KB)
| 21.06.2019 |
Sharyn Munro_Redacted (PDF, 11.7 KB)
| 19.06.2019 |
Sue and Mike Pridmore (PDF, 181.26 KB)
| 20.06.2019 |
Tony Lonergan (PDF, 10.91 KB)
| 20.06.2019 |
Wendy Wales (PDF, 30.46 KB)
| 20.06.2019 |
Wendy White_Redacted (PDF, 11.02 KB)
| 19.06.2019 |
Wollar Progress Assoc (PDF, 30.84 KB)
| 28.06.2019 |
Yuri Bolotin (PDF, 34.22 KB)
| 28.06.2019 |
Campaign Emails (PDF, 488.3 KB)
| 28.06.2019 |
Document | Date |
190806 DPIE DPI Meeting Agenda (PDF, 108.37 KB)
| 09.08.2019 |
190812OUTDPI Agricultural re Followup InformationRedacted (PDF, 110.05 KB)
| 12.08.2019 |
190821INDPI Agricultural re Followup InformationRedacted (PDF, 45.17 KB)
| 22.08.2019 |
Document | Date |
190308 Bylong Response to EDO Letter Dated 15 February 2019 (PDF, 63.46 KB)
| 25.03.2019 |
Document | Date |
Public Meeting Notice Bylong Coal Project (PDF, 392.13 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Document | Date |
Registration Form Bylong (PDF, 558.41 KB)
| 08.10.2018 |
Document | Date |
Schedule Meeting V2 (PDF, 200.12 KB)
| 05.11.2018 |
Document | Date |
Bylong Coal Project Site Inspection Minutes (PDF, 141.46 KB)
| 15.02.2019 |
IPC Site Visit Figure Booklet (PDF, 21.15 MB)
| 16.01.2019 |
Document | Date |
1808 submission Bylong Coal project IPC_Redacted (PDF, 424.04 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
181114 Report of Tim Buckley and Simon Nicholas (PDF, 424.84 KB)
| 04.03.2019 |
181114 Report of William Steffen (PDF, 1.12 MB)
| 04.03.2019 |
190206 MLPPL comments to IPC on KEPCO Compensatory Water Supply (PDF, 377.06 KB)
| 28.06.2019 |
190215 Letter to Mr Kirkby (PDF, 227.83 KB)
| 04.03.2019 |
36 (MP4, 282.25 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
5 (PDF, 6.55 MB)
| 09.11.2018 |
5_Redacted (PDF, 616.71 KB)
| 04.03.2019 |
Aidan Elliott (PDF, 61.17 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Alison SmilesSchmidt (PDF, 66.03 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Andy Marr (PDF, 607.06 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Annette Rhodes (PDF, 103.46 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Anthony OReilly (PDF, 16.16 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
ARTC (PDF, 244.01 KB)
| 22.11.2018 |
ARTC (PDF, 244.01 KB)
| 22.11.2018 |
B3 Upload (PDF, 699.5 KB)
| 04.03.2019 |
Barry Hadaway (PDF, 330.57 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Barry Hadaway2018 (PDF, 234.43 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Beatrice Lugwig and Peter Dowson (PDF, 7.51 MB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Blue Mts Conservation Society (PDF, 626.99 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Brendan Tobin (PDF, 441.61 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Bronwyn Hanna (PDF, 2.95 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Bruce Hughes (PDF, 115.76 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Bruce Hughes Wollar Progress Association (PDF, 2.25 MB)
| 09.11.2018 |
BVPA submission (PDF, 366.54 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Bylong Valley Protection Alliance (PDF, 3.29 MB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Bylongs EPBC number 2014_7133_Redacted (PDF, 10.68 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Caerleon Mudgee Pty Ltd (PDF, 99.95 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Carol Neville (PDF, 162.19 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Caroline Graham (PDF, 60.16 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Cassandra Jones (PDF, 81.77 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Central West Environment Council (PDF, 102.44 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Chris Bilsland (PDF, 84.57 KB)
| 01.07.2019 |
Chris Byrnes (PDF, 70.3 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Christos Varvaressos (PDF, 65.42 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Colin Sagar (PDF, 13.12 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Cumulative Impacts Goulburn River Final Nov 2018 (PDF, 2.2 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Dan Robbins (PDF, 11.86 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
DEA (PDF, 2.19 MB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Debbie Reid (PDF, 220.55 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Deborah Cooke (PDF, 94.48 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Denise Williams (PDF, 144.48 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Desiree Marshall (PDF, 73.85 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Doctors for Environment (PDF, 209.06 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Doctors for the Environment Australia (PDF, 805.07 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Doug Anderson (PDF, 9.7 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Duane Norris (PDF, 51.49 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Dusko Bajic (PDF, 10.43 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
ECCO Bylong Mine submission (PDF, 328.82 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Emails via Do Gooder website 1 (PDF, 851.35 KB)
| 22.11.2018 |
Emails via Do Gooder website 1 (PDF, 851.35 KB)
| 22.11.2018 |
ERMD (PDF, 395.42 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Farmers for Climate Action (PDF, 181.63 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Fiona Macdonald (PDF, 11.26 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Geoffrey Miell (PDF, 5.38 MB)
| 21.11.2018 |
Glencore (PDF, 1.04 MB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Greater Blue Mountains Advisory Committee (PDF, 357.32 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Gregor Zubicky (PDF, 36.32 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
GRL v Minister for Planning 2019 NSWLEC 7 (PDF, 1.15 MB)
| 04.03.2019 |
Haydn Washington (PDF, 8.33 MB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Haydn Washington (PDF, 8.33 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Hedda Askland (PDF, 1.39 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Hon Paul Toole MP (PDF, 447.96 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Hunter Communities Network (PDF, 355.63 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Hunter Environment Lobby Inc (PDF, 419.18 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
II Jun Park (PDF, 547.3 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
IPC Presentation Bylong Coal Project Pegasus Economics (PDF, 594.97 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
James Bailey (PDF, 5.22 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Jo (PDF, 61.68 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
John Epton (PDF, 554.52 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
John Hayes (PDF, 2 MB)
| 09.11.2018 |
John Krey (PDF, 754.89 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
John ward (PDF, 46.89 KB)
| 21.11.2018 |
John ward (PDF, 46.89 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Julia Imire (PDF, 3.24 MB)
| 26.11.2018 |
Kandos POPs (PDF, 492.35 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Kieth Muir (PDF, 549.62 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
KOEN (PDF, 659.55 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Lane Cove Coal and Gas Watch_Redacted (PDF, 14.76 MB)
| 21.11.2018 |
Letter from Chamber of Commerce (PDF, 140.77 KB)
| 20.12.2019 |
Letter_IPCPegasusJan19 (PDF, 208.59 KB)
| 06.03.2019 |
Lock the Gate alliance (PDF, 130.9 KB)
| 22.11.2018 |
Lock the Gate alliance (PDF, 130.9 KB)
| 22.11.2018 |
Malcolm Rumbel (PDF, 49.47 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Mandy Miller (PDF, 10.93 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Margaret Beal (PDF, 95.88 KB)
| 01.07.2019 |
Mary Single (PDF, 36.01 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Marylou Lewis (PDF, 102.78 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Max Scholefield (PDF, 13.6 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Meg Nielsen (PDF, 120.12 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Melissa Tym (PDF, 55.26 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Merran E Auland (PDF, 183.27 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Michael Lipari (PDF, 122.51 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Michael Lipari (PDF, 122.51 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Michael Lipari2 (PDF, 122.51 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Michaela Samman (PDF, 13.09 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
MSC Submission 12 November 2018 (PDF, 1.12 MB)
| 17.04.2019 |
MSC Submission 23 November 2018 (PDF, 92.52 KB)
| 17.04.2019 |
Mudgee Chamber of Commerce (PDF, 4.07 MB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Mudgee District Envirnment Group (PDF, 633.58 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Murrumbo (PDF, 394.13 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Name Withheld 2 (PDF, 748.37 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Name Withheld1 (PDF, 712.84 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Nathan Davis (PDF, 78.34 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
National Parks Association of NSW (PDF, 158.02 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
NSW Farmers (PDF, 2.55 MB)
| 09.11.2018 |
P Morley BylongCoalSpeech (PDF, 202.41 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Paul Vonwiller (PDF, 98.47 KB)
| 01.07.2019 |
Pegasus Economics (PDF, 594.97 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
| 19.11.2018 |
Peter Endacott (PDF, 72.82 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Peter Kuskie (PDF, 231.55 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Peter Shelley (PDF, 180.08 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Philip Freeman Peter Hatfield (PDF, 120.16 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Phillip Morley (PDF, 202.41 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Phone Campaign Emails (PDF, 3.47 MB)
| 28.06.2019 |
R_Hadaway (PDF, 18.53 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Rachael Middleton (PDF, 11.04 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Rebecca Weaver (PDF, 11.24 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Renee Thompson (PDF, 9.95 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Richard Edmonds (PDF, 10.88 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Rick Banyard (PDF, 847.85 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Robbin Binks (PDF, 613.06 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Robbin Binks (PDF, 613.06 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Robert Murdoch (PDF, 189.52 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Robert Ward (PDF, 11.25 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Robin Hawkins (PDF, 72.22 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Robynne Howell (PDF, 11.09 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Rod Campbell (PDF, 609.75 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Rod Pryor (PDF, 338.72 KB)
| 12.11.2018 |
Rosemary E Hayes (PDF, 136.6 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Ross Granata (PDF, 104.4 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Running Stream Water Users Association (PDF, 187.88 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Rylstone District Environment Society (PDF, 47.5 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Sam Durland (PDF, 43.37 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Scott Binks (PDF, 10.14 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Sharyn Munro (PDF, 256.14 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Shaun Mace (PDF, 99.85 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Shin Jeong Shik (PDF, 533.4 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
speaker 29 (PDF, 595.03 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Speaker 36 (PDF, 1.98 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Steven Pells (PDF, 211.1 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Sydney Mining Club (PDF, 135.9 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Tim Buckley and Simon Nicholas (PDF, 411.63 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Tim OBrien (PDF, 67.45 KB)
| 20.11.2018 |
Travis (PDF, 99.42 KB)
| 09.11.2018 |
Victor Raszewski (PDF, 36.14 KB)
| 14.11.2018 |
Warrabinga (PDF, 141.26 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
William Steffen (PDF, 1.11 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
William Vatovec (PDF, 1.28 MB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Worley Parsons (PDF, 519.6 KB)
| 19.11.2018 |
Yvonne Fessler (PDF, 12 KB)
| 13.11.2018 |
Meeting information
9:00am Wednesday 07 November
Parklands Resort and Conference Centre 121 Ulan Road Mudgee NSW 2850
Livestream and recordings
A livestream of this public event will commence at the advertised event start time. A video recording of the public event, which may be edited or redacted prior to publication in line with our guidelines, will be published as soon as practicable after the event and be available until the case is completed.
Speaker schedule and transcripts
To view the transcript, click here.
Public meeting notification
The meeting will be open to the public to observe the proceedings; however, if you would like to apply to speak at the meeting you must register before 5 pm on Monday 29th October 2018, by:
Completing the Registration Form and emailing it to [email protected]. We will then notify you if your request to speak has been accepted.
Because we know some people find public speaking trying, and there will be others who cannot attend on the day, we will accept written comments up to one week after the public meeting. Written comments are weighed the same as spoken presentations.
For further details, please see the Notice for the Public meeting.
This public meeting will be recorded, and a written transcript published on our website. Speakers should familiarise themselves with the Commission’s ‘Public Meeting Guidelines’ prior to presenting to the Panel.
If you have any questions about the public meeting process or Commission's role with the project, please contact the officer assisting the Commission, David Way, on (02) 9383 2100.
Meeting information
12:10 PM Wed 7 November
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting information
3:30 PM Mon 29 October
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting information
3:30 PM Mon 12 November
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting information
2:00 PM Mon 12 November
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting information
Tues 06 November
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting information
2:00 PM Mon 29 October
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Public submissions
The Commission finalised this case over two years ago. All public submissions have been archived in compliance with the NSW State Records Act. To access these submissions, please send a request to [email protected] or call 02 9383 2100.