Commissioner Alexandra O’Mara
Alex O’Mara is a non-executive director and independent advisor.

Commissioner Richard Pearson
Richard Pearson has over 30 years experience as a town planner and senior public service executive, his career spanning state and local government and the private sector.

Commissioner Shelley Penn AM
Shelley Penn is a Director, independent strategic adviser, architect and urbanist with significant experience encompassing 15 years in architectural practice, and more than 20 years in senior, expert advisory roles in procurement, governance, strategy and community engagement.

Commissioner Simon Smith
Simon served for 30 years in the NSW public sector, including as the Secretary of the Department of Industry and deputy head of the Premiers Department and of the Environment Department.

Commissioner Clare Sykes
For over 25 years Clare has developed detailed insights into the workings of operations, listed companies and government.

Commissioner Professor Elizabeth Taylor AO
Elizabeth Taylor specialises in governance effectiveness and analysis of complex projects and ecosystems. Her career has spanned industry, design and construction, and academe.

Commissioner Michael Wright
Michael has more than 25 years’ executive leadership experience in the NSW public service including as agency head, chief executive officer and deputy secretary.

Our Commission members are selected from a diverse range of planning-related fields.

Commissioner Andrew Mills, Chair
Andrew Mills is Chair of the NSW Independent Planning Commission.

Commissioner Terry Bailey
Terry Bailey has over 35 years’ experience working in the public sector and tertiary education.