Case progress
Determined – approvedMap showing the location
Document | Date |
Final Rix Creek Review Report (PDF, 931.29 KB)
| 31.08.2018 |
Rixs Creek Media Release (PDF, 112.45 KB)
| 31.08.2018 |
Document | Date |
Referral Letter (PDF, 487.53 KB)
| 15.05.2018 |
Appendix A Environmental Impact Statement (PDF, 15.93 KB)
| 15.05.2018 |
Appendix B Submissions (PDF, 12.68 KB)
| 15.05.2018 |
Appendix C Response to Submissions (PDF, 14.47 KB)
| 15.05.2018 |
Appendix D Statutory Considerations (PDF, 526.3 KB)
| 15.05.2018 |
Appendix E Economics Peer Review (PDF, 21.94 KB)
| 15.05.2018 |
Assessment Report (PDF, 17.35 MB)
| 15.05.2018 |
Document | Date |
Terms of Reference (PDF, 593.59 KB)
| 15.05.2018 |
Document | Date |
Additional information provided by the Department (PDF, 434.11 KB)
| 25.06.2018 |
Applicant Additional information 1989_Air_Photo (PDF, 202.08 KB)
| 05.06.2018 |
Applicant Additional information (PDF, 10.4 MB)
| 05.06.2018 |
Applicant Additional information Air Science Summary (PDF, 2.09 MB)
| 05.06.2018 |
Applicant Noise monitoring presentation (PDF, 1.35 MB)
| 05.06.2018 |
Meeting with Applicant Record (PDF, 71.06 KB)
| 05.06.2018 |
Meeting with Department Record (PDF, 66.44 KB)
| 01.06.2018 |
Meeting with Council Record (PDF, 50.58 KB)
| 07.06.2018 |
Site Visit Record (PDF, 63.03 KB)
| 07.06.2018 |
Document | Date |
Mine Schedule and Final Landform Review (PDF, 1.44 MB)
| 02.08.2018 |
Rehabilitation strategy review Rixs Creek (PDF, 162.19 KB)
| 09.07.2018 |
Document | Date |
Applicant Response to Independent Report (PDF, 73.57 KB)
| 24.07.2018 |
Applicant Response to Mine Schedule Independent Report (PDF, 492.54 KB)
| 13.08.2018 |
Applicant response to NSW Health (PDF, 354.35 KB)
| 09.07.2018 |
Health NSW letter to Department (PDF, 882.56 KB)
| 03.07.2018 |
Noise Criteria information (PDF, 184.18 KB)
| 09.07.2018 |
Noise information on monitoring locations (PDF, 258.53 KB)
| 09.07.2018 |
Noise Management Plan Updated (PDF, 2 MB)
| 09.07.2018 |
Rix Creek Royalties Calculationxlsx (PDF, 12.51 KB)
| 25.06.2018 |
Rixs Creek Backfilling final landform (PDF, 5.05 MB)
| 25.06.2018 |
Rixs Creek Ecology (PDF, 2.39 MB)
| 25.06.2018 |
Rixs Creek Final Void filling (PDF, 1.36 MB)
| 25.06.2018 |
Rixs Creek Pit Void Assessment 20180622 (PDF, 553.35 KB)
| 25.06.2018 |
Document | Date |
Request for information from the Applicant (PDF, 44.08 KB)
| 25.06.2018 |
Rixs Creek Request for Quotation (PDF, 96.54 KB)
| 25.06.2018 |
Document | Date |
Schedule (PDF, 176.89 KB)
| 04.06.2018 |
Document | Date |
Public Hearing Notice (PDF, 253.37 KB)
| 18.05.2018 |
Document | Date |
Registration Form (PDF, 213.13 KB)
| 29.05.2018 |
Document | Date |
Register IPC Conflicts (PDF, 260.86 KB)
| 29.05.2018 |
Meeting information
11:30am Wednesday 06 June
Charbonnier Hotel Singleton 44 Maitland Road Singleton NSW 2330
Livestream and recordings
A livestream of this public event will commence at the advertised event start time. A video recording of the public event, which may be edited or redacted prior to publication in line with our guidelines, will be published as soon as practicable after the event and be available until the case is completed.
Speaker schedule and transcripts
There are currently no documents.
Speaker documents
Document | Date |
Alistair Bowman (PDF, 36.62 KB)
| 13.06.2018 |
Andrew Thomas (PDF, 96.86 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Bev Smiles (PDF, 640.23 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Brett Lewis (PDF, 215.47 KB)
| 13.06.2018 |
Bruce Moxey (PDF, 97.58 KB)
| 13.06.2018 |
Deidre Olofsson (PDF, 298.22 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Glen Parsons (PDF, 118.09 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Jan Davis (PDF, 193.73 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Jennifer Walsh (PDF, 99.13 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Mathew Stidolph (PDF, 79.02 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Neville Jukes (PDF, 156.73 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Shane Davey (PDF, 122.32 KB)
| 15.06.2018 |
Sue Gilroy (PDF, 71.9 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Tamara Peters (PDF, 32.92 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Wendy Wales (PDF, 537.48 KB)
| 12.06.2018 |
Public hearing notification
The meeting will be open to the public to observe the proceedings, however if you would like to apply to speak at the hearing you must register before 12:00pm on 4th June 2018, by:
Completing the Registration Form and emailing it to [email protected]. We will then notify you if your request to speak has been accepted.
Because we know some people find public speaking trying, and there will be others who cannot attend on the day, we will accept written submissions up to one week after the public hearing. Written submissions are weighed the same as spoken presentations.
For further details, please see the Notice for the Public hearing.
From 1 March 2018, the Commission is legislatively required to publish an audio recording or written transcript of public hearings. This hearing will be recorded, with a written transcript published on the Commission's website. Personal information will be managed in accordance with the Commission's Privacy Statement.
Any updates about the hearing will be published on this webpage and will be emailed to registered speakers before the hearing.
If you have any questions about the public hearing process or Commission's role with the project, please contact the officer assisting the Commission, Robert Bisley (02) 9383 2100.
Meeting information
Meeting documents
To view the transcript, click here.
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Public submissions
The Commission finalised this case over two years ago. All public submissions have been archived in compliance with the NSW State Records Act. To access these submissions, please send a request to [email protected] or call 02 9383 2100.