Under the Minister's Statement of Expectations for the Independent Planning Commission, the Commission is expected to meet the following average annual timeframes:
These timeframes are an average of all cases that have been completed in the last 12 months. They are calculated from the date of the provision of the assessment report by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) to the date of determination by the Commission, excluding any time where the Commission has requested further information from DPHI or the applicant.
The period from 20 December to 26 January is also excluded from the Commission's determination timeframes. This is because many people who may wish to participate in the Commission’s decision-making processes, including public meetings and public hearings, take leave and are often away from their place of residence during this school holiday period.
Also excluded from the Commission’s determination timeframes is any time the Department is considering, as the Commission’s delegate, an application to amend a development application or modification application before the Commission for determination (including any time needed to publicly exhibit any amendments to a development application or modification application).
The Commission reports against its timeframes in its annual report and quarterly for state significant development determinations here.
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