The Independent Planning Commission has in place several policies which provide guidance, consistency, accountability, efficiency, and clarity on how we operate -- particularly around our decision-making process for state significant development applications.
These policies and guidelines also address other matters concerning the Commission, our people and our work -- such as conduct, managing conflict of interest or encouraging and promoting community input into our decisions.
In line with our Transparency Policy, all these documents are made publicly available to help foster a better understanding of how we carry out our important role in the NSW planning system.
The policies and guidelines accessible below are policies created by the Commission to govern its own processes. The broader policy framework of the NSW Government can also be relevant to the exercise of the Commission’s functions in specific matters. See, for example, the Minister’s Statement of Expectations to the Commission and Ministerial correspondence regarding the NSW Government’s climate change policy framework under the “Minister for Planning and Public Spaces" on the Commission’s “Our role in the planning system” page.
You can access all our current policies and guidelines below.
Indigenous Engagement Statement
Public Interest Disclosures Policy
Site Inspection and Locality Tour Guidelines
Scope of Rezoning and Gateway Reviews
Section 34 Conciliation Conference Policy
Delegations of the Commission’s functions
We recognise the importance of community participation in our decision-making process. Using our ‘Make a submission’ form is the easiest way for you to make a submission on cases currently before the Commission.