Eagleton Quarry Project

34 to 46 Brookhollow Ave Norwest

The Independent Planning Commission makes planning decisions on State significant developments across NSW.

Baptistcare Carlingford Seniors Housing

Public submissions on the NSW Forestry Industry now open
The Independent Forestry Panel has opened public submissions for individuals and organisations to have their say about the sustainability of current and future forestry operations in NSW, ahead of the NSW Government developing its Forestry Industry Action Plan.

Wallaroo Solar Farm approved subject to conditions
The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today approved the Wallaroo Solar Farm (SSD 9261283), located approximately 1km south of the rural area of Wallaroo, adjacent to the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory border and within the Yass Valley local government area.

Hills of Gold Wind Farm approved with strict conditions
The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today approved a new 372 megawatt (MW) wind farm, located approximately 60 kilometres (km) southeast of Tamworth, near Nundle, Hanging Rock and Crawney, within the local government areas of Tamworth Regional, Upper Hunter Shire and Liverpool Plains Shire.

Redfern Mixed Use Co-living Development

Public meeting on proposed Sancrox Quarry Project cancelled
The Independent Planning Commission Panel appointed to determine the State Significant Development application for the proposed Sancrox Quarry Expansion project (SSD-7293) wishes to advise that the public meeting scheduled for Tuesday 03 September 2024 at Port Macquarie has been cancelled due to the Commission receiving no registrations from members of the public to speak at the public meeting.

Bowdens Silver