Spicers Creek Wind Farm Approved Subject to Conditions
The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today approved the Spicers Creek Wind Farm (SSD-41134610) located in the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (CWO REZ) approximately 25 km north-west of Gulgong and 35 km north-east of Wellington, within the Dubbo Regional and Warrumbungle Shire local government areas (LGAs).

Spicers Creek Wind Farm

Cadia Continued Operations Project Gateway Certificate Application

Public Meeting on Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility Expanded to Three Days
The Independent Planning Commission has scheduled a third day for the public meeting on a proposal to develop the Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility, to accommodate the strong community interest.

Wallaroo Solar Farm

Public Meeting on Stone Ridge Quarry Project
The community will be able to have their say in a public meeting on a proposal by the Australian Resource Development Group Pty Limited to develop the Stone Ridge Quarry Project. The proposed quarry would extract up to 1.5 million tonnes per annum of hard rock from a State Forest site at Italia Road, Balickera and operate for 30 years.

Update Public Meeting on Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility to be held in person
Due to public interest, the public meeting on 28 October to hear the community’s views about the proposal by Plasrefine Recycling Pty Ltd to develop the Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility will now be held in person.

Online Public Meeting on Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility
The community will be able to have their say in an online public meeting on a State significant development application by Plasrefine Recycling Pty Ltd for the Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility. Plasrefine Recycling proposes to construct and operate the plastics recycling facility with a capacity to process up to 120,000 tonnes of waste plastic per annum. The facility is also proposed to manufacture plastic fibres and resins.

Hills of Gold Wind Farm