Development of a new underground coal mine and supporting rail infrastructure for the Hume Coal Mine
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment has now finalised its whole-of-government assessment of the Hume Coal and associated Berrima Rail Projects and provided it to the Independent Planning Commission NSW for determination.
The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has requested that the Commission conduct a public hearing into the carrying out of the Projects prior to determining the state significant development (SSD) applications for both.
Commissioners Peter Duncan (Panel Chair), Chris Wilson and Professor Alice Clark have been appointed to determine the SSD applications. They will host an electronic Public Hearing on Monday 12 July and Tuesday 13 July 2021, commencing at 10am AEST daily, to hear directly from community members. (Please note: The Commission has also tentatively set aside Friday 16 July 2021 to extend the public hearing to a third day should it be necessary.)
How to Have Your Say
If you wish to apply to speak at the Public Hearing, you must complete the registration form available on our website by no later than 12pm AEST on Friday 2 July 2021. Those who are registered to speak will be provided further technical information closer to the hearing.
How to watch and/or listen to the Public Hearing
This Electronic Public Hearing will be broadcast on the Commission’s website:
In the interests of openness and transparency, a transcript of the hearing will also be published on the Commission’s website.
Written submissions
The Commission will accept written comments on the Hume Coal and Berrima Rail Projects until Friday 23 July 2021, via email, post or our online portal:
Merit appeal rights
After this public hearing, no merit appeal may be brought under Division 8.3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in respect of any future decision made by the Commission as consent authority for these SSD applications.
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:
This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.
A video of the virtual site inspection can be viewed below. A v
We recognise the importance of community participation in our decision-making process. Using our ‘Make a submission’ form is the easiest way for you to make a submission on cases currently before the Commission.