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Other Commissioners
Professor Snow Barlow
Planning Officer
Casey Joshua
Share this case
Case Status: Determined - Approved
Referral received: 11/03/2020


SSD 6456 Statement of Reasons
SSD 6456 Development Consent
200930Narrabri Gas ProjectFINAL
200814Narrabri Gas Project
Request for Public Hearing_Narrabri
DPIE Letter of Referral
DPIE Final Assessment Report
Narrabri Gas Project Recommended Conditions
Public Hearing Speaker Schedule
200717 Initial Narrabri Public Hearing Schedule
200801 Final Narrabri Public Hearing Schedule combined
200720 Day 1 Narrabri Gas Project Public Hearing Transcript_Redacted
200721 Day 2 Narrabri Gas Project Public Hearing Transcript
200722 Day 3 Narrabri Gas Project Public Hearing Transcript
200723 Day 4 Narrabri Gas Project Public Hearing
200724 Day 5 Narrabri Gas Project Public Hearing
200725 Day 6 Narrabri Gas Project Public Hearing
200801 Day 7 Narrabri Gas Project Public Hearing
200312OUTD Leeson re Narrabri GasRedacted
200629_OUT_Santos questions on notice
200717_IN_Santos Responses to IPC questions on notice
200622_OUT_Department Themes ahead of meeting
200629_OUT_Department questions on notice
200728 OUT Department further questions
200811 OUT Mr J Betts re Narrabri Gas Project
200814 IN DPIE Responses to IPC Questions
200814 IN Mr M Ray re Narrabri Gas Project
200710_OUT_Narrabri Council questions on notice
200717_IN_Council Responses to IPC questions on notice
Santos Submission
200810 Santos _Final Submission incl attachments
200810 Appendix B Opinion of Richard Lancaster SC Ecologically Sustainable De
200810 NGP Economics Report_Acil Allen
200727INEDO re WEP and agency meetings
200727 OUT Commission response to EDO agency meeting
200727 OUT Follow up to Commission response to EDO agency meeting
Broughton Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Currell Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Davey Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Forcey Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Hayley Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Khan Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Khan Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Attachment 1
Mallon Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Milledge Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Paull Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Attachment 1
Paull Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Attachment 2
Paull Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Sackett Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Revised_Final
Serov Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
Ziller Narrabri Gas Project IPC Advice Final
200810 Narrabri Closing Written Submissions FINAL
200706 Narrabri Gas Project Site Inspection
20200205_OUT_Conflicts Register for Narrabri Gas


Date and time
7:30 PM Sat 25 July 2020
7:30 PM Sat 01 August 2020
Casey Joshua
Meeting documents
Covid19_Addendum _Guidelines
Fact Sheet
200717 Initial Narrabri Public Hearing Schedule

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment has now finalised its whole-of-government assessment for the Narrabri Gas Project (SSD-6456) and provided it to the Independent Planning Commission NSW for determination.

 The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has requested that the Commission conduct a public hearing into the carrying out of the Project prior to determining the state significant development (SSD) application for it.

As required under COVID-19 regulations, the Commission will conduct this public hearing electronically by video conference (with an option to participate by telephone).

Commissioners Steve O’Connor (Panel Chair), John Hann and Professor Snow Barlow have been appointed to determine this SSD application. They will conduct an Electronic Public Hearing from Monday 20 July 2020 to Saturday 25 July 2020, as well as Saturday 1 August 2020, commencing at 9.30am AEST daily.

How to Have Your Say

If you wish to apply to speak at the Electronic Public Hearing, you must complete the online Speaker Registration form by 5pm AEST Friday 10 July 2020.

How to watch and/or listen to the Public Hearing

This Electronic Public Hearing will be broadcast on the Commission’s website: If you have no or limited internet access, you’ll be able to listen to a live audio stream of proceedings by dialing 1800 093 431 and entering the following PIN: 61397377# 

A transcript of the hearing will be published on our website.

Written submissions

The Commission will accept written comments on the Narrabri Gas Project up to one week (seven days) after the hearing via email, post or our online portal:

The Commission may extend the period for written comments by notice on its website. Written comments are weighed the same as spoken presentations.

Merit appeal rights

After this public hearing, no merit appeal may be brought under Division 8.3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in respect of any future decision made by the Commission as consent authority for this SSD application.


Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:
This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.




Date and time
8:00 PM Thu 25 June 2020
Casey Joshua
Meeting documents
Department Transcript

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:
This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.



Date and time
12:00 AM Fri 26 June 2020
Casey Joshua
Meeting documents
Applicant Transcript
Applicant Presentation

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:
This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.



Date and time
8:00 PM Tue 07 July 2020
Casey Joshua
Meeting documents
200707 Council Transcript

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:
This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.



Date and time
7:00 PM Tue 28 July 2020
Casey Joshua
Meeting documents
200728 WEP Meeting Agenda
200728 WEP Meeting Transcript

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:
This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.



Date and time
8:30 PM Tue 28 July 2020
Casey Joshua
Meeting documents
200728 Agency Meeting Agenda
200728 EPA NRAR Water Meeting Transcript

Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:
This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer.



Public Submissions

Submissions received on additional material from DPIE and the Applicant
200814 R Clarke_Redacted
200815 P Cranston
200820 D Quince
200815 R Stewart
200816 Name Withheld
200817 Climate Action Pittwater
200818 Northern Beaches Climate Action Network
200818 P Johnson
200818 P Small
200818 T King
200819 B Gerrie
200819 J Walsh
200819 L Johnston_Redacted
200819 R Chiffey
200820 A Marett
200820 B Newell
200820 D Finnegan
200820 G Roberts
200820 H Cameron
200820 J Alden
200820 J Evans
200820 K Platt
200820 Maules Creek Community Council
200820 R Carver
200820 S Crossman
200821 A Ellwood
200821 A Kennedy
200821 A Roberts
200821 A Yuille
200821 Artesian Bore Water Users Association
200821 B Danson
200821 B Vost
200821 B Walker
200821 Blue Mountains Unions and Community
200821 C Bennett
200821 C Crossman
200821 D Finter
200821 D Green
200821 D Jack
200821 D Kersch
200821 D McKenzie
200821 Dr A H Norton
200821 Dr Andrew Grogan
200821 Dr B Kelly_UNSW
200821 Dr I Taggart
200821 DR K Fleming
200821 E Morley
200821 Friends Of Siding Spring Observatory
200821 G Gerrie
200821 G Webster
200821 G Woods
200821 Gloucester Knitting Nannas Against Gas Greed
200821 H Burgess
200821 I Caddy
200821 Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis
200821 J Chenery
200821 J Goodman R Heikkinen and B Knobloch
200821 J Marlow
200821 K Matchett
200821 K McKenzie
200821 L Benn
200821 L Brummell
200821 L Ciesiolka
200821 L Hartley
200821 L Kirumba
200821 M Hartley
200821 M McNamara
200821 M Mills
200821 M Tym
200821 Maules Creek Country Womens Association
200821 N Clyde
200821 N Kirby
200821 Naomi Shine
200821 Narrabri Industrial Network
200821 Northwest Protection Advocacy
200821 NSW Farmers Association
200821 P Alway
200821 P Gill
200821 P Handyside
200821 P Mills
200821 Public Health Association Australia
200821 R Faber
200821 R Macrae
200821 R McNaught
200821 R Nankivell
200821 R Wade
200821 S Ciesiolka
200821 People for the Plains
200821 S Marshall
200821 S McKay
200821 SAPGen Pty Ltd
200821 Stop Coal Seam Gas Blue Mountains
200821 T Edye
200821 T Pickard
200821 T Spooner
200821 T Walker
200821 The Norwood Resource Incorporated
200821 W N Chaffey
200821Alec Roberts
200821Ann Flynn
200821Denise Fitzgerald
200821Dr Ian Taggart
200821Karyee Chiu
200821Leard Forest Research Node
200821Margaret King
200821Matthew McCormack
200821Patricia Saunders
200821Peter Dowson
200821Robyn Bird
200821Steven Ellwood
200821The Australia Institute
201021 J McNamara
201021 K Platt
210820 T Rainbird
200821 EDO Letter to IPC enclosing supplementary submissions
Currell NGP Advice on Additional Material
Davey NGP Advice on Additional Material
Paull NGP Advice on Additional Material
Sackett NGP Advice on Additional Material
Serov NGP Advice on Additional Material
Ziller NGP Advice on Additional Material
Form letter campaign
1480 Form letters received via email 200703 to 200712
1523 Form letters received via email 200712 to 200728
36 Form letters received via email 200727 to 200728
103 Form letters received via email 200729 to 200802
30 Form letters received via email 200803 to 200810
33 Form letters received via email 200703 to 200810
Petition from Nature Conservation Council of NSW
200722 Petition NCC NSW
Petition from North West Alliance and Lock the Gate Alliance
200729LTG petition Redacted
Do Gooder campaign emails
Do Gooder campaign to 200628_Redacted
Do Gooder campaign 200615 to 200630
Do Gooder campaign 200701 to 200719
Do Gooder campaign 200720 to 200727
Do Gooder campaign 200727 to 200728
Do Gooder campaign 200729 to 200802
Do Gooder campaign 200802 to 200805
Do Gooder campaign 200805 to 200810
Do Gooder campaign 200810_Redacted
General Public Submissions
200206 North West Protection Advocacy_Redacted
2002724 J Anderson
200620 Greg Roberts
200703Andy Yeomans
200707Name Redacted
200708Gerd Hollander
200708Katie Little and Timothy Poulton
200724 M Northey
200728 M Avendano
200729 B Evelyn
200729 B Shaw
200729 M K Nielson
200729 M Marin
200729 M Nielson
200729 R Irvine
200730 C Tomi
200730 Maules Creek Branch CWA of NSW
200731 A Marett
200731 A Mcalary
200731 A Reeves
200731 A Shilling
200731 Environment Council of Central Queensland
200731 Environmentally Concerned Citizens of Orange
200731 P Downes
200731IN J Evanshandwritten submissions sent via post
200802 H Palmer
200802 R Madigan
200803 A Dowe
200803 B Gerrie
200803 Country Womens Association NSW
200803 D Quince
200803 R Campey
200803 S Lewis
200804 J Simpson
200804 P Ayling
200804 Warren Shire Council
200805 A and M Hamilton
200805 C Wallace
200805 D and V Lampe
200805 D Kelly
200805 D Stocking
200805 F Parsons
200805 J Borowski
200805 J Kelly
200805 J Morris
200805 J Summers for Knitting Nanas Against Gas
200805 M Austin
200805 Name Redacted
200805 Name Redacted
200805 P Dowe
200805 R McAlary
200805 S Borowski
200805 S Fordham
200805 S McCalman
200806 D Bedggood
200807 Coonabarabran Voices
200807 D Murray
200807 I Taggart
200807 L CaillatShearman
200807 R Garnsey
200807Dallas and Marilyn Bryan
200807Dr Geralyn McCarron
200807Dr Keith Fleming
200807Nature Conservation Council NSW
200807Phil Laird
200807Walter Tighe
200808 J Thompson
200808Dr Andrew Grogan
200808Felicity Grover
200808George Avendano
200808Gloria Campey
200808Narrabri District Cricket Association
200808Nerida Gourley
200808Peter Wills
200809Colin Irving
200809CWA Tambar Springs Branch
200809David Iverach
200809Dharriwaa Elders Group
200809Dr Keith Fleming
200809James and Jeanette Matchett
200809Jenny Lloyd
200809John Clark
200809Julie Weisz
200809Kay Durham
200809Kayoko Ito
200809Keelah Lam
200809Peter Wills
200809Pip Hinman
200809Shirley Gladding
200809Warren Action Pipeline Group
200810 B Adams
200810 B Evans
200810 B Orellana
200810 Blue Mountains City Council
200810 C M Fraser
200810 Dr Lindsey Smith
200810 H Palmer
200810 K and A Colwell
200810 K Ellis
200810 M Newstead
200810 Naire Ellen
200810 R B Ireland
200810 R Ritter
200810 Warren Shire Council
200810 Zali Steggall MP
200810Alison Jane Parkes
200810Angela Martin
200810Angus Ciesiolka
200810Angus Ciesiolkaattachment
200810Anna ChristieRedacted
200810Artesian Bore Water Users Association Inc
200810Artesian Bore Water Users Association of NSW Inc
200810Beverley Crossley
200810Bill Wilmott
200810Boston Kirkby
200810Caroline Alcorso
200810Caroline Jordan
200810CWA Burren Junction Branch
200810CWA Coonamble Branch
200810CWA Maules Creek Branch
200810CWA Warren Branch
200810David Paull
200810David Quince
200810David Quince attachment
200810Frances PetersLittle Jimmy Little Foundation
200810Gabi Gerrie
200810Gai Longmuir
200810Gemma Viney
200810Gerard McEvilly
200810Greg Roberts OAM supplementary submission
200810Jan Hertel
200810Jeff Clyde
200810John Lazarus
200810Joseph Fernandez
200810Karl Geoffrey Petersson
200810Katherine Christie
200810Katrina Walker
200810Keith Hart
200810Kerrie Matchett
200810Lane Cove Coal and Gas Watch
200810Laura Hartley
200810Leah MacKinnon
200810Leanne Brummell
200810Leard Forest Research Node
200810Leila Fenton
200810Lock the Gatesupplementary submission200810
200810Malcolm Hartley
200810Mary Cawood
200810Marylou Potts
200810Maureen Grant
200810Mervyn Ciesiolka
200810Michelle Yates
200810Mullaley Gas and Pipeline Accord Inc
200810Narrabri Show Society
200810National Parks Association NSW Armidale Branch
200810Nicky Kirkby
200810Patrick Marshall
200810Penelope Nalder
200810Polly Cutmore
200810Port Phillip Emergency Climate Action Network
200810Public Health Association of Australia
200810Rebecca Albury
200810Reg Wade
200810Richard Ritter
200810Rick Laird
200810Robert McNaughtAstronomical Society of Coonabarabran
200810Roger Hertel
200810Siobhain OLeary
200810Sonya McKay
200810Stephen Perry
200810Stop CSG Sydney
200810Stuart Murraysupplementary submission
200810Sue Abbott
200810Susan Benham
200810The Flying Mice Elders Group
200810Tom Walker
200810Tony Pickard supp sub_Redacted
200810Tony Pickardsupp subattach1
200810Tony Pickardsupp subattach2
200810Tony Pickardsupp subattach3
200810Valerie Le Bihan
300720 A Cullen
300720 A Pye
300720 A Reeve
300720 B Lees
300720 C Fraser
300720 C Fraser presentation
300720 C Mackey
300720 D Ferguson
300720 D Ferguson
300720 D Hall
300720 E J Smith
300720 H Robertson
300720 J Eccles
300720 J Edwards
300720 J Henry
300720 J Kennedy
300720 J Smith
300720 J Thomas
300720 L and S Rothe
300720 M Fraser
300720 M Smith
300720 P Cullen
300720 S Davidson
300720 S Lie
300720 S Monkton
300720 S Tarrant
300720 T Roe
300720 Y Ellis
200603 A Yeomans
200612 C Crossman_Redacted
200614 R Lee_Redacted
200615 S Hansbro_Redacted
200617 C Griffiths_Redacted
200617 K Durant_Redacted
200618 L Pritchard_Redacted
200619 B Boydell_Redacted
200623 W Royston_Redacted
200624 Lock the Gate Alliance
200626 G McCarron
200626 G McCarron
200627 I Tanner_Redacted
200629 L FitzGerald_Redacted
200629 Mulgoa Landcare
200629 Name Redacted
200701 Hunter Bird Observers Club
200702 D E Kelly_Redacted
200703 A George
200703 P Lloyd
200703 S Morris
200710 D Kassell
200710 E Mars
200710 E Rosenberg
200710 J McIntyre
200710 M J Gilfillan
200710 M Williams
200711 K TuohyMain
200713 V Hickey_Redacted
200714 S Kerr
200714 S Pockley
200714 S Pockley Video
200715 B Mason
200715 M T Miller
200715 M Schien
200716 C Burman
200716 J Fitzgerald
200716 K Keady
200716 North West Alliance R White
200716 North West Alliance Suggested Questions
200716 Noth West Alliance D Milledge 1
200716 Noth West Alliance D Milledge 2
200716 P M Foster
200717 D Turner
200717 Dubbo Regional Council
200717 J Marshall
200718 M Bonwick
200718 R King
200719 C Mason
200719 G Clark
200719 J Watson
200720 G Boehringer
200720 P DiLorenzo
200720 S Young
200721 A Robledo
200721 E Coulston
200721 Friends of Koalas Inc
200721 R M Perry
200722 K Crawford
200723 Climate Change Australia Hastings
200723 E Wheeler
200723 G Barker
200723 J Perry
200723 M Ansara
200723 Name Redacted
200723 V Atkinson
200724 A Ferguson
200724 A Irving
200724 A Lanyon
200724 A Rich
200724 A Robson
200724 B Ault
200724 B Butler
200724 B Currey
200724 Bayside Climate Crisis Action Group
200724 C and E Fisher
200724 C and M Tym
200724 C Brown
200724 C Drysdale
200724 C Morrissey
200724 C Readford
200724 D de Frederick
200724 D OConnor
200724 D Schieb
200724 D Swansborough
200724 D Taylor
200724 D Ward
200724 E Serhan
200724 E Serhan 2
200724 E Tuena
200724 G Donaldson
200724 G Martin
200724 G Thomas
200724 G Wright
200724 H and J Taylor
200724 H Harvey
200724 H Johnson
200724 J and H Johnston
200724 J Charnley
200724 J Currey
200724 J Donaldson
200724 J Goldsmith
200724 J Jackson
200724 J Lefebvre
200724 J Moody
200724 J Murray
200724 J Stockings
200724 J Thomas
200724 J Watson
200724 J White
200724 J Wilson
200724 K and D McBurnie
200724 K Cain
200724 K Keady
200724 K Kelly
200724 L Shead
200724 M and A OBrien
200724 M and J Gilfillan
200724 M and L Lefebvre
200724 M Nalder
200724 M Pye
200724 Name Redacted
200724 P and B McIsaac
200724 P Goldsmith
200724 P Meers
200724 P Wilson
200724 PJ Butler
200724 R and H McAlary
200724 R Elliott
200724 R Fisher
200724 R Glasson
200724 R Healy
200724 R McAclary 2
200724 R McGovern
200724 R Reynolds
200724 R Stockings
200724 R Summers
200724 S and L Knight
200724 S Gough
200724 S Hanigan
200724 S Ibbott
200724 S Murray
200724 T Coen
200724 T Cotter
200724 V Pfannenberg
200725 L Maciver
200725 Bill Hastings
200725 Peter Lamb
200725 Rob McNaught
200726 Helen Russ
200727 Cath Russ
200727 John Roche
200727 Julie Clark
200727 Keren Skyring
200727 Maureen Webb
200728 A Grogan
200729 S Sledge
200729 Tourism Moree Inc
200717INJonathon Moylan Greenpeace
200720INJonathon Moylan Greenpeace
200727 Lock The Gate Alliance
240720 A Treichler
Make a Submission

We recognise the importance of community participation in our decision-making process. Using our ‘Make a submission’ form is the easiest way for you to make a submission on cases currently before the Commission.