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Site for proposed Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility found not suitable

Site for proposed Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility found not suitable

Posted: 24.01.2025

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today refused the Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility (SSD-9409987) State significant development application, finding that the project would “unreasonably conflict with other land uses in the area” due to it being located in close proximity to nearby homes, zones that permit residential development, and other land uses including the Garvan Institute’s Australian BioResources facility.  

The Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility was proposed to recycle and reprocess up to 120,000 tonnes of mixed plastic waste per annum, including bottles, containers and pipes, into a range of recycled plastic products. The Commission acknowledged that “plastic recycling in NSW is in the public interest” and that the facility would have contributed to the State’s target of tripling plastic recycling by 2030. However, the Commission found that the noise and vibration, traffic and transport and visual impacts associated with construction and ongoing 24/7 operations of the facility would have a significant impact on existing and potential residential areas adjoining the proposed site at 74-76 Beaconsfield Rd, Moss Vale, as well as the adjacent Australian BioResources facility. 

The three-member Commission Panel, comprising Andrew Mills (Chair), Janett Milligan and Clare Skyes, heard from a range of stakeholders, including the applicant (Plasrefine Recycling Pty Ltd), the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (Department), Wingecarribee Shire Council, WaterNSW, Health NSW, and the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA). The Commission conducted a site inspection and held a three-day public meeting in October and November 2024. The Commission also received more than 2,800 written submissions on the application. 

The Department completed its whole-of-government assessment of the Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility in October 2024. The project was determined by the Independent Planning Commission because more than 50 objections were made to the Department, and the Wingecarribee Shire Council also objected, both of which trigger referral to the Commission.

Commission Chair Andrew Mills said the proposed plastics recycling facility had public interest benefits for the people of NSW, but the site-specific impacts of the proposed development were significant. 

“NSW does need more capacity to recycle plastic waste and the Commission is conscious of government targets around this issue. However, ensuring that the site for such facilities is appropriate also needs to be carefully considered,” Mr Mills said.

“The Panel found that many of the issues and impacts raised by stakeholders and the community could have been appropriately managed with conditions, if the facility was proposed to be built at a more suitable location.”

The Commission’s full Statement of Reasons for Decision can be found here

All the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.

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