22 November 2024
The community will be able to have their say in a public meeting on a proposal by Deicorp Construction Pty Ltd for a mixed use development with in-fill affordable housing at Five Ways, Crows Nest (SSD-66826207). The proposed 22 storey development comprises a 3-storey podium of commercial premises, a 19-storey residential tower with 188 apartments (including 48 designated as affordable housing) and seven basement levels. It is located at 391-423 Pacific Highway, 3-15 Falcon Street and 8 Alexander Street, Crows Nest.
The decision on whether this State significant development will be granted planning approval has been referred to the NSW Independent Planning Commission because North Sydney Council has objected to the proposal. Commissioners Mr Michael Wright (Panel Chair) and Mr Duncan Marshall AM have been appointed by the Commission Chair to determine the application.
Key issues identified in the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s whole-of-government assessment of the development application include built form and design, residential amenity, traffic, parking and servicing, overshadowing and visual privacy, landscaping and communal open space, heritage and other issues.
The Commission has access to all previous written submissions made to the Department on this proposed development, however it is particularly helpful for the Commission Panel to also hear the community’s views following the Department’s assessment of the key issues and its recommended conditions of consent. These documents are available on the Commission’s website.
A livestreamed public meeting on the proposed development will be held at the Independent Planning Commission offices at Level 15, 135 King Street Sydney 2000 on Thursday 12 December 2024 (10:00AM AEDT start). Registered speakers will be able to present either in person or virtually over video link (via Zoom) or telephone. Anyone wishing to present at the public meeting – either in person or virtually – must pre-register on the Commission’s website using the Speaker Registration Form. The deadline for speaker registrations is 12:00PM AEDT on Thursday 5 December 2024.
Any other members of the public that are not registering to speak but wish to observe the public meeting in person are requested to indicate their interest in attending using the Attendance Register. The public meeting will also be viewable online in real time as it will be livestreamed on the Commission’s website.
The Commission is also inviting members of the public to make written submissions via the ‘Make a Submission’ portal on the Commission’s website. The Commission will also accept submissions made via post or email. Written submissions will be accepted until 5:00pm on Thursday 19 December 2024.
Please note
Registered speakers for the public meeting will be asked to indicate a preference for presenting to the Commission Panel either in-person at the venue or virtually (i.e. via Zoom video link or telephone). If demand for speaker timeslots is high and the public meeting becomes fully booked, the Commission will endeavour to schedule a second day.