NSW Independent Planning Commission

Mixed-Use Development at 242-244 Beecroft Road, Epping, Receives Development Consent

19 September 2023

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today conditionally approved a proposed mixed-use development by Beecroft Property Developments Pty Ltd at 242-244 Beecroft Road, Epping.

The site was formerly used as a tunnelling site for Sydney Metro Northwest and the construction of a rail operations facility known as the Epping Services Facility, which now adjoins the northern boundary of the Site.

The proposed development comprises 374 apartments with 5% affordable housing and 923 square metres of commercial floor space. The project is State significant development (SSD) because it represents an investment of over $30 million ($143 million) for the purpose of commercial premises and residential accommodation associated with railway infrastructure. It would generate approximately 265 construction and 15 operational jobs.

The NSW Independent Planning Commission is the consent authority because the Project is SSD and an objection was received from the City of Parramatta Council.

The Department of Planning and Environment completed its whole-of-government assessment of the project in August this year. The three-member Commission Panel, comprising Chris Wilson (Chair), Wendy Lewin and Elizabeth Taylor AO, met with the Applicant and the Department of Planning and Environment. It also received submissions on the project, including from the public and the City of Parramatta Council.

The Panel has today, 19 September 2023, determined to grant development consent to the project, subject to conditions. The Commission found that “the Project is in the public interest” and is “in accordance with the Objects of the [Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979]” the Commission’s Statement of Reasons for Decision reads.

Whilst acknowledging the concerns raised by Parramatta City Council, the Commission found that the development demonstrated design excellence, would deliver additional housing with excellent access to public transport connections, employment centres, services, and amenity, and that any residual impacts could be addressed through the conditions of consent. The Commission ultimately concluded that the development was consistent with the Objects of the EP&A Act and was in the public interest.

All the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.

Media enquiry contact: 0418 246 420