Case progress
Carousel items
Referral received
Submissions open
Site inspection
Meeting with DPE
Meeting with Applicant
Submissions close at 5pm
Determined – approvedMap showing the location
Document | Date |
Development consent (PDF, 447.3 KB)
| 19.09.2023 |
Modification instrument (PDF, 142.2 KB)
| 19.09.2023 |
Statement of reasons for decision (PDF, 1.38 MB)
| 19.09.2023 |
Document | Date |
Media release determination (PDF, 176.62 KB)
| 19.09.2023 |
Document | Date |
Parking and traffic generation impacts Applicant to IPC redacted (PDF, 425.93 KB)
| 06.09.2023 |
IPC Letter to DPE request for Department comment on draft conditions (PDF, 927.15 KB)
| 22.09.2023 |
22.09.2023 | |
Attachment A draft conditions (PDF, 527.52 KB)
| 22.09.2023 |
Attachment B draft modification instrument (PDF, 130.29 KB)
| 22.09.2023 |
Document | Date |
Assessment report (PDF, 9.07 MB)
| 18.08.2023 |
Addendum to Assessment Report (PDF, 56.57 KB)
| 25.08.2023 |
Referral letter (PDF, 53.57 KB)
| 18.08.2023 |
Recommended conditions of consent (PDF, 502.47 KB)
| 18.08.2023 |
Recommended MOD instrument (PDF, 89.2 KB)
| 18.08.2023 |
Document | Date |
Conflicts Register (PDF, 544.48 KB)
| 18.08.2023 |
Meeting information
Date and time
1:00 PM Mon 04 September 2023
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
04092023 Applicant presentation slides (PDF, 38.85 MB)
| 06.09.2023 |
04092023 Applicant meeting transcript (PDF, 188.15 KB)
| 06.09.2023 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting information
Date and time
9:30 AM Mon 04 September 2023
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
04092023 Department meeting transcript (PDF, 174.1 KB)
| 06.09.2023 |
04092023 Department presentation slides (PDF, 2.22 MB)
| 06.09.2023 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Site Inspection information
Date and time
2:00 PM Fri 01 September 2023
Site Inspection documents
Document | Date |
Site Inspection Notes (PDF, 1.23 MB)
| 06.09.2023 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Public submissions
ID | Name | Date | Submission |
Applicant | 10/09/2023 | ||
Applicant | 10/09/2023 | ||
Applicant | 08/09/2023 | ||
Parramatta Council | 08/09/2023 |
Organisation |
Think Planners |
Location |
Date |
10/09/2023 |
Submitter position |
Comment |
Submission method |
Attachments |
ground-floor-sub-station-markup_230907_lr.pdf (PDF, 2.19 MB) |
Organisation |
Think Planners |
Location |
Date |
10/09/2023 |
Submitter position |
Comment |
Submission method |
Attachments |
242244-beecroft-road-epping--sustainability-initiatives-summary.pdf (PDF, 128.99 KB) |
Organisation |
Think Planners |
Location |
Date |
08/09/2023 |
Submitter position |
Comment |
Submission method |
Attachments |
ipc-response-letter-242-244-beecroft-road-epping-redacted.pdf (PDF, 1.83 MB) |
Parramatta Council
Organisation |
Parramatta Council |
Location |
Date |
08/09/2023 |
Submitter position |
Comment |
Submission method |
Attachments |
parramatta-council-submission-to-dpe-report--242244-beecroft-road-epping-redacted.pdf (PDF, 1.01 MB) |
ID | Name | Date | Submission |
Name Redacted | 26/08/2023 |
Name Redacted
Location |
Date |
26/08/2023 |
Submitter position |
Support |
Submission method |
Website |
Submission |
The proposed buildings look good to me, well done to the architect. |
ID | Name | Date | Submission |
Mark Anderson | 21/08/2023 | ||
Name Redacted | 21/08/2023 |
Mark Anderson
Location |
Date |
21/08/2023 |
Submitter position |
Object |
Submission method |
Website |
Submission |
I object in relation to traffic on the following grounds. Previous planners assured the community that high rise residents would not generate significant extra vehicles as, due to the proximity of public transport, few would have private cars. This has proven to be a nonsense. Epping is choked by cars particularly on Beecroft Road heading to Epping and across the railway bridge, Carlingford Road towards Beecroft Rd, Bridge St, Rawson St and Epping Road. Even with a proportion of people now working from home at least 2 days per week, traffic chaos remains. This development will only exacerbate the situation. The plan to widen Epping rail bridge will do little to reduce traffic congestion. Epping already overdeveloped. Many items of heritage significance have been destroyed or being demolished by neglect. There is limited parking around the railway station. The land intended for development should be used for recreation and parking. |
Name Redacted
Location |
Date |
21/08/2023 |
Submitter position |
Object |
Submission method |
Website |
Submission |
Getting in and out of Epping is already so hard with literally no investment in roads or infrastructure. This property will add to woes and also make parking ear train station hard. Improve the infrastructure and traffic flow before building any more high rises |