You can search this page for cases completed since the Independent Planning Commission was established on 1 March 2018.
For former Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) or historical Mining and Petroleum Gateway cases, please search Major Projects on the NSW Planning Portal.
You can also find out more about accessing PAC cases here.
An integrated health services facility and seniors housing development application for two new buildings with 57 dwellings, 12 residential care facility beds, and 18 palliative care beds.
An expansion to an existing data centre located at 17-23 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park.
A modification of the existing coal mine to increase the number of fulltime employees at the site and update the rehabilitation management and performance conditions.
The Applicant proposes to develop a new hard rock quarry to extract, process and transport up to 500,000 tonnes per annum of hard rock material over a 30-year period.
Construction and operation of a wind farm with up to 56 wind turbines and associated infrastructure
Development of a 60 MW solar farm, associated infrastructure and battery storage
Development of a 200 MW solar farm and associated infrastructure.
Oxley Solar Development Pty Ltd proposes to develop a 215 megawatt (MW) solar farm and a 50 MW / 50 MW-hour battery, approximately 14 km south east of Armidale in the New England Renewable Energy Zone.
Mixed use development of between 5 and 15 storeys, containing residential and commercial uses, affordable housing, a through site link and basement car parking.