NSW Independent Planning Commission

Glanmire Solar Farm


Development of a 60 MW solar farm, associated infrastructure and battery storage

Case progress


Determined – approved
Chair of IPC Panel
Other IPC Panel Members
Richard Pearson, Chris Wilson

Map showing the location

Submissions closed
Speaker registration closed
Key dates
Submissions end 20/12/2023 at 5.00pm
Speaker registration end 27/11/2023 at 12.00pm
Public meeting
  • 2.00pm Thursday 30 November
    Rydges Mount Panorama Bathurst 1 Conrod Straight BATHURST NSW 2795


Case outcome
Case referral documents from DPHI
Assessment Report (PDF, 2.81 MB)
Referral letter (PDF, 269.42 KB)
Commission conflict of interest register
Conflicts register (PDF, 104.47 KB)


Public meeting
Registration closed
Registrations end 27/11/2023 at 12.00pm

Meeting information

  • 2:00pm Thursday 30 November
    Rydges Mount Panorama Bathurst 1 Conrod Straight BATHURST NSW 2795

Livestream and recordings

A livestream of this public event will commence at the advertised event start time. A video recording of the public event, which may be edited or redacted prior to publication in line with our guidelines, will be published as soon as practicable after the event and be available until the case is completed.

Speaker schedule and transcripts

Public Meeting Transcript (PDF, 360.82 KB)

Speaker documents

Karyn Taylor (MP4, 57.54 MB)

Public meeting notification

The community will be able to have their say in a public meeting on a proposal by Elgin Energy to develop a 60MW solar farm, associated infrastructure and battery storage.

The proposed Glanmire Solar Farm is a State Significant Development application (SSD 21208499) located on the southern side of the Great Western Highway approximately 10km east of Bathurst. The decision on whether the Glanmire Solar Farm will be given planning approval has been referred to the Independent Planning Commission because the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure received at least 50 unique submissions objecting to the proposal.

Commissioners Dr Sheridan Coakes, Chris Wilson and Richard Pearson have been appointed by the Commission Chair to determine the development application.

A public meeting on the proposed Glanmire Solar Farm will be held at Rydges Mt Panorama Bathurst​ (1 Conrod Straight, Bathurst NSW 2795) on Thursday 30th November 2023 ​at 2:00pm (AEDT).

The Commission has access to all previous written submissions made to the Department on this proposal, however it is particularly helpful for the Commission Panel to also hear the community’s views about the Department’s assessment of the key issues and recommended conditions of consent.

The key issues identified in the Department’s whole-of-government assessment of the development application include landuse compatibility, loss of agricultural land and visual impact. Other issues identified include biodiversity, decommissioning and rehabilitation, Aboriginal cultural heritage, noise, dust, hazards, bushfire risk, water, social impacts and traffic.

Anyone wishing to present at the public meeting must pre-register on the Commission’s website using the Speaker Registration Form.

The deadline for speaker registrations is 12:00pm (AEDT) on Monday 27 November 2023.

Written submissions can be lodged via the ‘Make a Submission’ portal on the Commission’s website. The Commission will also accept submissions made via post or email.

Written submissions will be accepted until 5:00pm (AEDT) on Friday 8 December 2023.

Please note
Registered speakers for the public meeting will be asked to indicate a preference for presenting to the Commission Panel either in-person at the venue or virtually (i.e. via Zoom video link or telephone). The public meeting is intended to be livestreamed on the Commission’s website. Please note that if the demand for either in-person or virtual attendance is low, the Commission may opt to conduct the meeting either entirely virtually or entirely in person.  Similarly, if demand for speaker timeslots is high and Thursday 30 November 2023 becomes fully booked, the Commission will endeavour to schedule a second day on Friday 1 December 2023. If either of these scenarios occur, this will be fully communicated to all registered speakers in advance, including how the Commission can assist people to attend the meeting virtually.  Please read the Speaker Registration Form carefully and provide as much detail as possible. These flexible arrangements ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to be heard, while also making best use of public resources.

Meeting with Applicant

Meeting information

Date and time

2:30 PM Tue 21 November 2023

Meeting documents

Applicant Presentation (PDF, 1.86 MB)


The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.

Meeting with DPHI

Meeting information

Date and time

9:00 AM Wed 22 November 2023

Meeting documents

Department Presentation (PDF, 1.33 MB)


The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.

Meeting with Council

Meeting information

Date and time

10:30 AM Wed 22 November 2023

Meeting documents

Council Meeting Transcript (PDF, 164.21 KB)


The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.

Site Inspection & Locality Tour

Site Inspection & Locality Tour information

Date and time

9:00 AM Thu 30 November 2023
9:00 AM Fri 01 December 2023

Site Inspection & Locality Tour documents



The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.

Public submissions

ID Name Date Submission
Jim Blackwood 21/12/2023
Lynette Lablack 21/12/2023
Ewan Chandler 21/12/2023
Jonty Boshier 21/12/2023
Lynette Lablack 21/12/2023
Sally Newton 21/12/2023
Anita Heubel 21/12/2023
Juanita Kwok 21/12/2023
Paul Lalich 21/12/2023
Save our Surroundings Submission 19/12/2023
Save our Surroundings Submission 19/12/2023
Christine Ray 12/12/2023
Name Redacted 12/12/2023
Peter Rogers 12/12/2023
Warwick Fish 12/12/2023
Andrew Gee 12/12/2023
Ewan Chandler 12/12/2023
Lynette LeBlack 12/12/2023
Name Redacted 12/12/2023
Sally NewtownChandler 12/12/2023
Ashlee Petch 12/12/2023
Glanmire Action Group 12/12/2023
Name Redacted 12/12/2023
Peter Hennessy 12/12/2023
David Harbison 12/12/2023
Name Redacted 12/12/2023
Polly Bonanno 12/12/2023
William Hetherington 12/12/2023
Andrew Petch 12/12/2023
Name Redacted 12/12/2023
Newton Rural 12/12/2023
Sam Bonanno 12/12/2023
Bob King 12/12/2023
Name Redacted 12/12/2023
Peter Rogers 12/12/2023
Stacey Fish 12/12/2023
Dirk Heubel 12/12/2023
Name Redacted 12/12/2023
Fitzsummer 12/12/2023
Name Redacted 12/12/2023
Lynette LaBlack 30/11/2023
Lynette LaBlack 30/11/2023
Lynette LaBlack 30/11/2023
Governance Services and Solutions 30/11/2023
Glanmire Action Group 29/11/2023
Glanmire Action Group 29/11/2023
Glanmire Action Group 29/11/2023
ID Name Date Submission
Robert Snoch 01/12/2023
Name Redacted 30/11/2023
Mark Ryan 30/11/2023
Amanda Thomas 30/11/2023
Kristy Warren 29/11/2023
Ashlee Petch 29/11/2023
Christine Curry 29/11/2023
Ben Beattie 27/11/2023
Name Redacted 22/11/2023
Tony Gullifer 20/11/2023
Peter Rogers 20/11/2023
Paula Tobin 20/11/2023
ID Name Date Submission
Name Redacted 26/11/2023
Graeme Smith 24/11/2023
Tracy Sorensen 23/11/2023
Dr Jim Blackwood 21/11/2023