Case progress
Determined – approvedCategory
Industrial development
Chair of IPC Panel
Andrew Hutton
Map showing the location
Document | Date |
Shoalhaven Starches MOD 18 Instrument of Modification (PDF, 1.03 MB)
| 04.09.2020 |
Shoalhaven Starches Mod 18 Statement of Reasons (PDF, 451.25 KB)
| 04.09.2020 |
Referral from the Department of Industry Planning and Environment
Document | Date |
DPIE Letter of Referral (PDF, 262.16 KB)
| 06.08.2020 |
DPIE Modification Assessment Report (PDF, 1.08 MB)
| 06.08.2020 |
Shoalhaven Starches MOD 18 Instrument of Modification (PDF, 869.35 KB)
| 06.08.2020 |
Document | Date |
200824 IN Department re Condition 7 4 compliance (PDF, 626.82 KB)
| 27.08.2020 |
04.09.2020 |
Meeting with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Meeting information
Date and time
11:00 AM Thu 20 August 2020
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
200820 Department Meeting Presentation (PDF, 2.15 MB)
| 27.08.2020 |
200820 Department Meeting Transcript (PDF, 152.52 KB)
| 27.08.2020 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting with the Applicant
Meeting information
Date and time
9:30 AM Thu 20 August 2020
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
200820 Applicant Meeting Transcript (PDF, 93.92 KB)
| 25.08.2020 |
Applicant Video Presentation (PDF, 92.43 KB)
| 25.08.2020 |
Factory photo September 2016 (JPG, 6.83 MB)
| 25.08.2020 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.