Case progress
Determined – approvedCategory
Social infrastructure
Chair of IPC Panel
Russell Miller AM
Other IPC Panel Members
Alan Coutts
Map showing the location
Document | Date |
Sydney Zoo MOD 3 Instrument of Modification (PDF, 52.15 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
Sydney Zoo MOD 3 Media Release (PDF, 225.43 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
Sydney Zoo MOD 3 Statement of Reasons (PDF, 324.29 KB)
| 25.11.2019 |
Statement from the Commission
Document | Date |
191112 Statement from Commission (PDF, 99.2 KB)
| 12.11.2019 |
Referral from Department of Planning Industry and Environment
Document | Date |
Assessment Report (PDF, 10.95 MB)
| 30.07.2019 |
Development Consent (PDF, 9.27 MB)
| 30.07.2019 |
Modification of Development Consent (PDF, 366.2 KB)
| 30.07.2019 |
Referral Letter (PDF, 305.04 KB)
| 30.07.2019 |
Additional Information
Document | Date |
190806INFeatherdale Wildlife Park CommentsRedacted (PDF, 1.23 MB)
| 23.08.2019 |
05.09.2019 | |
190919INFeatherdale re supplementary comments (PDF, 191.79 KB)
| 19.09.2019 |
191119INFeatherdale Supplementary Submission (PDF, 216.65 KB)
| 20.11.2019 |
190902INSydney Zoo re IPC Meeting Comments (PDF, 652.75 KB)
| 05.09.2019 |
190906INSydney Zoo re Aboriginal Cultural Experience (PDF, 2.28 MB)
| 11.09.2019 |
190913INSydney Zoo re Comments (PDF, 6.68 MB)
| 17.09.2019 |
190918INSydney Zoo re further comments (PDF, 2.4 MB)
| 19.09.2019 |
190920INSydney Zoo re Comments on Consent (PDF, 298.03 KB)
| 20.09.2019 |
191119INSydney Zoo re Response to Objections (PDF, 115.77 KB)
| 20.11.2019 |
Document | Date |
191003OUTDepartment re conditions (PDF, 181.51 KB)
| 31.10.2019 |
191029OUTDepartment re conditions (PDF, 44.86 KB)
| 31.10.2019 |
191029INDepartment re conditions (PDF, 157.86 KB)
| 31.10.2019 |
191002INCity Farm re comments (PDF, 110.5 KB)
| 06.11.2019 |
191010INFeatherdale re MOD 3 (PDF, 1.12 MB)
| 06.11.2019 |
191016INCity Farm re commentsRedacted (PDF, 129.4 KB)
| 06.11.2019 |
191016OUTCity Farm re commentsRedacted (PDF, 126.39 KB)
| 06.11.2019 |
191030OUTCity Farm re commentsRedacted (PDF, 46.53 KB)
| 06.11.2019 |
191016OUTFeatherdale re MOD 3Redacted (PDF, 138.29 KB)
| 06.11.2019 |
Public Comments
Document | Date |
SydneyZooEnhanceRegionalTourismC9ReportRedactSECURED (PDF, 6.97 MB)
| 12.11.2019 |
Joint Letter IPC Supplementary Submission (PDF, 247.51 KB)
| 12.11.2019 |
IPC SZ MOD3 and CHCF 191002 (PDF, 110.5 KB)
| 12.11.2019 |
Sydney Zoo SSD 7228 Modification 3 (PDF, 1.12 MB)
| 12.11.2019 |
12.11.2019 | |
12.11.2019 |
Conflict of Interest Register
Document | Date |
Conflicts Register (PDF, 61.61 KB)
| 12.08.2019 |
IPC Meeting with Applicant
Meeting information
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
IPC Meeting with Applicant Transcript (PDF, 214.5 KB)
| 12.11.2019 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
IPC Meeting with Featherdale Wildlife Park
Meeting information
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
IPC Meeting with Featherdale Wildlife Park Transcript (PDF, 162.12 KB)
| 12.11.2019 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
IPC Meeting with Department
Meeting information
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
IPC Meeting with Department Transcript (PDF, 85.42 KB)
| 12.11.2019 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.