Case progress
Determined – approvedCategory
Urban development
Chair of IPC Panel
Stephen O'Connor
Other IPC Panel Members
Peter Duncan AM
Map showing the location
Document | Date |
Modification Instrument (PDF, 70.57 KB)
| 24.07.2018 |
Statement of Reasons (PDF, 66.86 KB)
| 24.07.2018 |
Department of Planning and Environments Assessment Report
Document | Date |
Appendix A Notice of Modification (PDF, 20.9 KB)
| 02.07.2018 |
Appendix B Supporting Information (PDF, 33.21 KB)
| 02.07.2018 |
Correspondence (PDF, 4.53 MB)
| 02.07.2018 |
Modification of Concept Approval (PDF, 135.51 KB)
| 02.07.2018 |
Referral Letter (PDF, 49.35 KB)
| 02.07.2018 |
Assessment Report (PDF, 492.34 KB)
| 02.07.2018 |
Department of Planning and Environment Meeting
Document | Date |
DPE Meeting Minutes 1172018 (PDF, 37.06 KB)
| 16.07.2018 |
Council Correspondence
Document | Date |
20.07.2018 |
Proponent Meeting
Document | Date |
Aerial Photographs (PDF, 1.19 MB)
| 16.07.2018 |
Proponent Meeting Minutes 1172018 (PDF, 37.11 KB)
| 16.07.2018 |
Currently there are no scheduled meetings to display in relation to this case.