Posted: 12.09.2024
The Independent Forestry Panel has opened public submissions for individuals and organisations to have their say about the sustainability of current and future forestry operations in NSW, ahead of the NSW Government developing its Forestry Industry Action Plan.
The Panel, comprising Peter Duncan AM (Chair), Professor Mary O’Kane AC and the Hon. Mick Veitch, was appointed last month to consult with stakeholders and report to the NSW Government on the best options to achieve the balance between sustainable supplies of timber and NSW’s environmental commitments.
More than 400 individuals and organisations from a range of stakeholder groups have since registered their interest in the Panel’s consultation process.
“We’re pleased at the high level of interest from stakeholders in having their say on the future of the NSW forestry industry,” said Mr Duncan.
“This is a long-standing contentious policy area that has real impacts for regional NSW, domestic timber supply and our native forests. We look forward to hearing from stakeholders on the issues, the evidence and the options as they see them.”
Written submissions to the Panel are now open and will be accepted online until 13 October 2024 (11:59pm AEDT).
“The public submission process will bring together the broad range of views and evidence on what forests and a sustainable forestry industry should look like in the next 30 years, whether current practices can improve and over what timeframe, and what the implications would be for both industry and the environment,” said Mr Duncan.
The Panel would like to hear from a range of stakeholders, including representatives from the timber industry, forest growers, environment groups, unions, Aboriginal communities, local government, business, related industries, tourism and scientific experts.
The Government has indicated that the Forestry Industry Action Plan will address key topic areas. The Panel has focused the call for public submissions on:
Sustainability of current and future forestry operations in NSW
Environmental and cultural values of forests, including threatened species and Aboriginal cultural heritage values
Demand for timber products, particularly as relates to NSW housing, construction, mining, transport and retail
The future of softwood and hardwood plantations and the continuation of Private Native Forestry in helping meet timber supply needs
The role of State Forests in maximising the delivery of a range of environmental, economic and social outcomes and options for diverse management, including Aboriginal forest management models
Opportunities to realise carbon and biodiversity benefits and support carbon and biodiversity markets, and mitigate and adapt to climate change risks, including the greenhouse gas emission impacts of different uses of forests and assessment of climate change risks to forests.
In addition to calling for public submissions, the Panel is preparing a program of direct engagement with key stakeholders and has invited targeted stakeholders to participate in qualitative research being undertaken by a third-party research company. The Panel will also be seeking advice from independent forestry and forest ecology experts on key biodiversity and land use issues.
More information on the Independent Forestry Panel and how to make a written submission can be found here.
To stay informed on the Independent Forestry Panel’s consultation process, please register your interest at
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