08 May 2024
The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today approved a new $373 million wind farm located on the north-west side of the New England Highway near Kentucky, approximately 30 km south-west of Uralla in the New England Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).
Neoen Australia Pty Ltd sought approval for the Thunderbolt Wind Farm (SSD-10807896), a state significant development of a 192-megawatt (MW) wind farm of 32 turbines with a maximum tip height of 260 metres and associated infrastructure.
The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure completed its whole-of-government assessment of the Thunderbolt Wind Farm in February 2024. The project was referred to the Independent Planning Commission for determination because at least 50 people objected to the proposed development. The three-member Commission Panel, comprising Professor Neal Menzies (Chair), Dr Bronwyn Evans and Suellen Fitzgerald, met with key stakeholders, conducted a site inspection and locality tour, held a public meeting where they heard from 24 speakers, and received 99 written submissions.
The Panel has today, 8 May 2024, granted development consent to the Thunderbolt Wind Farm, subject to conditions. In its Statement of Reasons, the Commission found that the Thunderbolt Wind Farm is “consistent with applicable strategic planning, energy policies and frameworks and relevant statutory considerations.”
The Commission acknowledged community concerns and imposed conditions of consent that mitigate a number of the issues raised. These conditions set a 260 metre height limit and require the Applicant to mitigate visual impacts with vegetation screening for neighbouring residences within 5.1km of any wind turbine.
The Applicant is also required to undertake road upgrade works and manage transport and traffic impacts, minimise clearing of native vegetation, minimise impacts on threatened flora and fauna species (including the Bell’s Turtle) and decommission and rehabilitate the site at the end of the roject life.
These and other conditions of consent are designed to:
- prevent, minimise, mitigate and/or offset adverse environmental impacts;
- set standards and performance measures for acceptable environmental performance;
- require regular monitoring and reporting; and
- provide for the on-going environmental management of the development.
All the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.