11 December 2023
The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today conditionally approved a new $370 million solar farm located approximately 14 kilometres south-east of Armidale in the New England Renewable Energy Zone (REZ). The Oxley Solar Farm (SSD-10346) is a state significant development comprising a 215-megawatt (MW) solar farm and a 50 MW / 50 MW-hour battery that is proposed to assist the transition to a lower emissions energy sector and will generate approximately 300 construction jobs and 5 operational jobs.
The Department of Planning and Environment completed the whole-of-government assessment of the Oxley Solar Farm in October this year before it came to the Commission for determination because at least 50 people objected to the proposed development. The three-member Commission Panel, comprising Chris Wilson (Chair), Wendy Lewin and Alison McCabe, met with key stakeholders, conducted a site inspection and locality tour, held a public meeting and received 32 written submissions from the community.
The Panel has today, 11 December 2023, determined to grant development consent to the project, subject to conditions.
The Commission found that the proposed site is “a suitable site for renewable energy development, given its location within a [renewable energy zone], solar resources, existing land capability class, topography, avoidance of major environmental constraints, and good access to both the regional road network and the existing electrical transmission network”. The Commission concluded that the project is “in the public interest” and “in accordance with the Objects of the [Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979]”.
The Commission acknowledged the concerns raised by some members of the community but concluded that residual issues could be effectively mitigated through the implementation of conditions of consent. The conditions include requirements for an updated and detailed landscape plan comprising additional on-site vegetation, and supporting performance objectives to ensure the project is appropriately integrated into the broader landscape.
The conditions also require the Applicant to undertake the complete rehabilitation of the site, establish a range of strict soil and water management measures, and prepare a Community Communication Strategy to facilitate communication between the Applicant, Council and the community during design, construction and operation. These and other conditions of consent are designed to:
- prevent, minimise and/or offset adverse environmental impacts;
- set standards and performance measures for acceptable environmental performance;
- require regular monitoring and reporting; and
- provide for the on-going environmental management of the development
All the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.
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