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Update on Public Meeting date for Oxley Solar Farm

Update on Public Meeting date for Oxley Solar Farm

Posted: 11.10.2023

Speaker registrations for the NSW Independent Planning Commission’s Public Meeting on Oxley Solar Farm in Armidale LGA have now closed.

Sixteen speakers have registered. As all speakers can be heard in one day, the Commission advises that the public meeting will no longer be held over two days.

The public meeting date is Tuesday 17 October from 3:00pm until 6:20pm (as planned). As the previously reserved second day on Wednesday 18 October is no longer required it has been removed from the schedule.

The venue remains Dangarsleigh Hall at 2350/874 Dangarsleigh Rd DANGARSLEIGH 2350 NSW.

A livestream broadcast of the public meeting will be accessible on the Commission’s website via:

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