Posted: 16.08.2023
The Mining and Petroleum Gateway Panel, a subcommittee of the Independent Planning Commission, has today issued a Conditional Gateway Certificate to Cadia Holdings Pty Limited (the Applicant), a wholly owned subsidiary of Newcrest Mining Limited, in relation to a proposed modification of the Cadia Valley Operations gold and copper mine in the NSW Central Tablelands.
The Applicant is proposing changes to the tailings storage facility that would involve the disturbance of Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land (BSAL). Prior to lodging a development application, any proposed mining and petroleum development located on areas of BSAL requires the Applicant to obtain a Gateway Certificate that assesses the impact of the proposed development on agriculturally important land.
The recommendations of the Conditional Gateway Certificate will need to be taken into account by the Applicant in any future development application relating to the proposed modification.
The Mining and Petroleum Gateway Panel conducts independent, upfront scientific assessments of the impact of new state significant mining and coal seam gas proposals on strategic agricultural land and its associated water resources. More information can be found here.
All documents relating to this Gateway application are available here.
The Conditional Gateway Certificate for the proposed modification is a separate issue to the recent NSW Environment Protection Authority’s investigations into dust emissions at the Cadia Valley Operations gold and copper mine.
Media enquiry contact: 0418 246 420
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