NSW Independent Planning Commission

Exhibition of revised IPC Community Participation Plan

02 June 2023

Under the Environmental Assessment and Planning Act 1979, planning authorities like the Independent Planning Commission are required to have community participation plans about how and when they will undertake community participation when exercising relevant planning functions. The Act also requires periodic review of all community participation plans.

The Commission has undertaken a review of its existing community participation plan and proposes to make some revisions to it. The revisions are not intended to fundamentally change the Commission’s operations or how the community participates in the Commission’s processes. Rather, the revisions are intended to more accurately and accessibly describe how and why such participation occurs.

The Commission invites any interested person to comment on the proposed revision (see Revised Community Participation Plan) until 5pm AEST on 30 June 2023. Comments can be made by email to [email protected].  Any comments received will be considered by the Commission in finalising the revised plan.