24 February 2023
The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today approved a development application by The Trustee for Foundation Theatres Trust (the Applicant) which will convert the existing Multi Use Entertainment Facility in the northern part of the Star Casino Complex at Pyrmont into two new theatres.
The approval allows the applicant, which currently operates the Lyric Theatre, to convert the existing space into a new ‘Broadway style’ theatre (1,550 patrons), and a new ‘Live’ theatre (1,000 patrons). It will include the construction of a new 10 metre ‘fly tower’, new dressing room facilities, plant and equipment areas, and internal alterations to foyer and pre-event spaces.
The NSW Independent Planning Commission is the consent authority for the application because the Applicant has disclosed a reportable political donation. A three-member Commission Panel, comprising Dianne Leeson (Chair), Adrian Pilton and Dr Peter Williams, undertook a site inspection and met with stakeholders, including the Applicant, the City of Sydney Council, the Pyrmont Action group and the Department of Planning and Environment.
After careful consideration, the Commission has determined that consent should be granted to the modification application, subject to conditions to manage and mitigate matters including noise, vibration, construction and traffic impacts.
All of the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.