NSW Independent Planning Commission

Redevelopment of President Private Hospital Refused Due to Historic Heritage Impacts

23 December 2022

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today determined to refuse the proposed redevelopment of President Private Hospital (SSD-10320) finding that the project would have unacceptable impacts on Hotham House, a listed local heritage item, which would be demolished if the development were to go ahead.

In its Statement of Reasons for Decision, the Commission found that the applicant has not adequately demonstrated that the retention, conservation and adaptation of Hotham House is not feasible; and the application is not consistent with the Objects of the EPA Act 1979 or the objectives of clause 5.10 of the Sutherland Shire LEP 2015.

The Commission finds that although the site is a suitable location for a hospital, the proposed impacts to Hotham House – as well as flood management risks, traffic access, and construction noise impacts – mean that the application in its current form is not in the public interest.

All the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.

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