NSW Independent Planning Commission

Pymble Ladies College Receives Deferred Commencement Consent

21 December 2022

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has today granted a deferred commencement consent for Pymble Ladies’ College – Grey House Precinct (SSD-17424905).

A three-member Commission Panel, comprising Adrian Pilton (Chair), Dr Sheridan Coakes and Soo-Tee Cheong OAM, heard evidence from stakeholders, including the applicant (Pymble Ladies’ College), the Department of Planning and Environment, Ku-ring-gai Council and representatives from the local community.

The Commission conducted a site inspection and heard the community’s views via two separate public submission periods. The Commission received a total of 47 written submissions, including 45 objections, 1 in support and 1 neutral submission during the first submission period, and a total of 5 objections during the second submission period.

The Commission found that the Project will provide a range of public benefits, including new education infrastructure and new construction and operational jobs, and that the impacts - when weighed against the objects of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), Ecologically Sustainable Development principles and benefits of the Project - are acceptable and can be reasonably and satisfactorily avoided, mitigated and managed through conditions.

Due to the Commission’s findings regarding the significant amenity impacts of the Project on two adjacent properties, the deferred commencement condition requires the Applicant to satisfactorily address the impacts on those properties before the development consent becomes operational.

The deferred commencement condition requires the applicant to either:

  • submit amended architectural and landscape plans to address the Commission’s findings in relation to amenity and social impacts; or
  • purchase or lease the two properties; or
  • use its best endeavours to enter into written agreements with the landowners of the two properties addressing their concerns.

In its Statement of Reasons for Decision, the Commission found that deferred commencement consent, subject to conditions, could be granted for the following reasons:

  • the Site is on land zoned SP2 Infrastructure (Educational Establishment) and the Project is permissible with consent under the Kur-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015, State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments and Child Care Facilities) 2017 and State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011;
  • the Project complies with the strategic planning directions of State and Local planning policies;
  • the Project will deliver improved facilities for education infrastructure for the area for current and future generations;
  • the Project is an orderly and economic use of the Site;
  • visual, overshadowing and privacy impacts to adjacent properties are capable of being further mitigated through conditions of consent;
  • the Project is in accordance with the Objects of the EP&A Act; and
  • the Project is in the public interest.

The conditions applied to the consent are designed to:

  • prevent, minimise and/or offset adverse environmental impacts;
  • mitigate social and amenity impacts;
  • set standards and performance measures for acceptable environmental performance;
  • require regular monitoring and reporting; and
  • provide for the on-going environmental management of the development.

All the documents relating to the assessment and determination of this proposal can be found on the Commission’s website.