NSW Independent Planning Commission

Suellen Fitzgerald

Appointed August 2023

Suellen Fitzgerald is a landscape architect with over 35 years’ experience leading teams in both the private and public sector in the fields of urban planning, open space and park planning, landscape and environmental design and public land and property management. She began her career with Parks Victoria and went on to build private design offices in Northern Australia, working in regional and urban environments across the Top End.

Over the last 20 years Suellen has been involved in the development of strategic policy for open space, recreation and park planning for the NSW Government. She was previously the Chief Executive of Greater Sydney Parklands Trust, bringing together all of Sydney’s major metropolitan parks into one powerful voice for parks and for the importance of the natural environment in city living.

Suellen has qualifications in Ecology and Landscape Architecture and is a graduate of the executive program of Harvard Business School. She is currently advising public and private organisations on strategy, implementation, and governance.

Suellen headshot