NSW Independent Planning Commission

Professor Elizabeth Taylor AO

Appointed August 2023

Elizabeth Taylor specialises in governance effectiveness and analysis of complex projects and ecosystems. Her career has spanned industry, design and construction, and academe.

She has built extensive Board-level leadership in professional organisations and innovative technology entities. Currently she is Chair of SmartCrete Collaborative Research Centre (focused on concrete) and Chair, Governing Group, and Deputy Chair, Sydney Accord, of the International Engineering Alliance.

Elizabeth has always engaged in diverse pro-bono work. Currently she is Chair of the Cambodian Childrens’ Trust Australia. Previously she was Chair of RedR Australia, an humanitarian response agency, and Chair of RedR International.

Elizabeth is an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO), Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Fellow, Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and has been recognised as one of Australia’s 100 most influential engineers. She is Emeritus Professor at Central Queensland University and Member, Engineering External Advisory Committee, Charles Sturt University and has an Honorary Doctorate from UNSW. In 2021 she was awarded Engineers Australia’s Peter Nicol Russell Career Achievement Memorial Medal.

Elizabeth Taylor headshot