Alexandra O’Mara
Appointed November 2024
Alex O’Mara is a non-executive director and independent advisor. Alex is currently a Board Member of Place Management NSW, a Trustee of Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, a Non-Executive Director of St George Community Housing, and a Non-Executive Director of Tracey Brunstrom and Hammond and has held a range of other board roles in the past, including with Sydney Olympic Park Authority and the Australian Building Codes Board.
Alex is Director of her own advisory business Sustainable Solutions Advisory which provides advice on sustainability, engagement, place-based approaches and leadership to a range of public and private sector clients. Alex is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Deadly Ed Foundation and the Science Advisory Council of UNSW. Previously, Alex was a Senior Executive in the NSW Government for over 8 years, with roles as Group Deputy Secretary, Place Design and Public Space, Deputy Secretary, Create NSW, and Executive Director, Resources and Industry Policy and led legal teams in Government for over 7 years.
Alex has over 25 years of experience leading strategy development, execution, and the delivery of results in the public and private sectors, including planning, infrastructure, precincts, environment, sustainability, natural resource management, energy and resources, construction, safety, culture, design, public space and placemaking. Alex has a BA LLB (Hons 1) and a Master of Administrative Law and Policy from the University of Sydney and began her career at Mallesons Stephen Jaques. Alex holds a current legal practising certificate and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.