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The Applicant proposes to develop a new hard rock quarry to extract, process and transport up to 500,000 tonnes per annum of hard rock material over a 30-year period.

Reference number
Case Category
Mining and Resources
Page last updated
Commissioner (Panel Chair)
Professor Snow Barlow
Other Commissioners
Ken Kanofski, Janett Milligan
Planning Officer
Brad James
Share this case
Case Status: Determined - Approved
Referral received: 21/11/2023

Key Dates

21 Nov 2023
Referral received
23 Nov 2023
Submissions open
24 Nov 2023
Speaker registration open
06 Dec 2023
Meeting with DPHI
06 Dec 2023
Meeting with Council
06 Dec 2023
Meeting with Applicant
07 Dec 2023
Speaker registration close at 12pm
12 Dec 2023
Site inspection
13 Dec 2023
Public meeting
20 Dec 2023
Submissions close at 5pm
24 Jan 2024
Case outcome


Statement of Reasons for Decision Deep Creek Quarry SSD 11591659
Development Consent for Deep Creek Quarry SSD 11591659
Advice on draft conditions from DPHI
Questions on notice to the Applicant redacted
Questions on notice to DPHI redacted
Questions on notice to Council _Redacted
Request to DPHI for further information_Redacted
Independent Air Quality Health Advice_Redacted
Response to request for further information from DPHI_Redacted
Response to request for further information from the Applicant_Redacted
Response to questions on notice from Council redacted
Request to DPHI for advice on draft conditions redacted
Request to DPHI for advice on draft conditions Attachment A
Assessment Report
Recommended conditions of consent
Referral letter


Date and time
9:00 AM Wed 06 December 2023
Callum Firth
Meeting documents
Department Meeting Transcript
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer
Date and time
3:00 PM Wed 06 December 2023
Phoebe Jarvis
Meeting documents
Applicant Meeting transcript
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer
Date and time
11:30 AM Wed 06 December 2023
Callum Firth
Meeting documents
Council Meeting Transcript
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer
Date and time
10:00 AM Wed 13 December 2023
Clarence Town School of Arts Hall
48 Grey Street
Clarence Town NSW 2321
Brad James
Meeting documents
FINAL Deep Creek Quarry Public Meeting Meeting Schedule
Public meeting transcript

The community will be able to have their say in a public meeting on a proposal by Ironstone Developments Pty Ltd for a new hard rock quarry in the Limeburners Creek area. The project involves the extraction of up to 500,000 tonnes per annum of hard rock aggregate products, construction of a new intersection and access road, workshop, stockpiles, weigh bridge, power line and office.

The proposed Deep Creek Quarry is a State Significant Development application (SSD 11591659) located on the western side of The Bucketts Way approximately 12km north of the Pacific Highway and 11km south of Booral, within the Mid-Coast Local Government Area (LGA). The decision on whether the proposed project will be given planning approval has been referred to the Independent Planning Commission because the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure received at least 50 unique submissions objecting to the proposal.

Commissioners Professor Snow Barlow (Panel Chair), Ken Kanofski and Janett Milligan have been appointed by the Commission Chair to determine the development application.

The public meeting on the proposed Deep Creek Quarry will be held at Clarence Town School of Arts Hall (48 Grey Street, Clarence Town, NSW 2321) on Wednesday 13 December 2023 (10:00am AEDT start)The public meeting will be conducted as a livestreamed event, with registered speakers participating either in person at the venue or via online videoconference or telephone.  The Commission is also inviting written submissions from the public.

The Commission has access to all previous written submissions made to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure on this proposed development, however it is particularly helpful for the Commission Panel to hear the community’s views on the Department’s recent Assessment Report on the key issues and recommended conditions of consent. These documents are available on the Commission’s website

The key issues identified in the Department’s whole-of-government assessment of the development application are biodiversity, traffic and transport, amenity impacts, air quality, dust and noise, and water resources.

Anyone wishing to present at the public meeting must pre-register on the Commission’s website using the Speaker Registration Form. 
The deadline for speaker registrations is 12:00pm AEDT on Thursday 7 December 2023.

Written submissions can be lodged via the ‘Make a Submission’ portal on the Commission’s website: The Commission will also accept submissions made via post or email.
Written submissions will be accepted until
5:00pm AEDT on Wednesday 20th December 2023.


Please note
Registered speakers for the public meeting will be asked to indicate a preference for presenting to the Commission Panel either in-person at the venue or virtually (i.e. via Zoom video link or telephone). At this point, the public meeting will also be livestreamed on the Commission’s website. Please note that if the demand for either in-person or virtual attendance is low, the Commission may opt to conduct the meeting either entirely virtually, or entirely in person.  If demand for speaker timeslots is high and Wednesday 13 December 2023 becomes fully booked, the Commission will endeavour to schedule a second day, which would be conducted virtually as a livestreamed videoconference.

If either of these scenarios occur, this will be fully communicated to all registered speakers in advance, including how the Commission can assist people to attend the meeting virtually.  Please read the Speaker Registration Form carefully, and provide as much detail as possible.

These flexible arrangements ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to be heard, while also making best use of public resources.



Date and time
2:00 PM Tue 12 December 2023
Brad James
Meeting documents
Site Inspection Notes

Public Submissions

Kate Wootton Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Terry Hardwick submission Redacted
Isabella Macnamara submission
Amanda Albury Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 1
Amanda Albury and on behalf of ICAG submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Amanda Albury Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 2
Lynn Davies submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Amanda Albury Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 3
Amanda Jones Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Ashlee Russell Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Braden Chopping Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Charlee Connor Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
David Hickey Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Debbie Lancaster Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Domnique Jacobs Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Fiona Rae Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
GEG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Geoffrey MacDonald Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Gerard Abrams Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Gloucester Environment Group Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Hannah Chopping Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Hannah March Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 1
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 2
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 3
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 4
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 5
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 6
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 7
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 9
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 8
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 10
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 11
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 12
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 13
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 14
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 15
ICAG Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 16
John Watts Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Keith Wynne Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Kerrie Clover Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Kerrylea MacDonald Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
KKEPS Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Linda Gill Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Mark Daniels Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Mark Lancaster Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 1_Redacted
Mark Lancaster Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 2
Mark Lancaster Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 3
Mark Pepperall Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
MB Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Morgan Cardiff Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Neil Burge Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Stephen Albury Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Stephen and Amanda Albury Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
Tibor Kovats Submission for Deep Creek Quarry_Redacted
VOWW Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
Wallaburra Wildlife Reserve Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 1
Wallaburra Wildlife Reserve Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 2
Woodbury Civil Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 1_Redacted
Woodbury Civil Submission for Deep Creek Quarry 2
Megan Benson Submission for Deep Creek Quarry
1 DPHI Deep Creek Quarry IPC Presentation
2 Applicant Jonathan Berry Speaker Presentation
4 Carmel Northwood Speaker Presentation
8 Amanda Albury presentation
10 Stephen Albury presentation
Stephen Albury Video
ICAG Video 1
ICAG Video 2
ICAG Video 3
ICAG Video 4
ICAG Video 5
ICAG Video 6
ICAG Video 7
ICAG Video 8
ICAG Video 9
ICAG Video 10
Make a Submission

We recognise the importance of community participation in our decision-making process. Using our ‘Make a submission’ form is the easiest way for you to make a submission on cases currently before the Commission.