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Construction and operation of a wind farm with up to 56 wind turbines and associated infrastructure

Reference number
Case Category
Page last updated
Commissioner (Panel Chair)
Professor Alice Clark
Other Commissioners
Adrian Pilton, Richard Pearson
Planning Officer
Jane Anderson
Share this case
Case Status: Determined - Approved
Referral received: 20/11/2023

Key Dates

20 Nov 2023
Referral received
21 Nov 2023
Submissions open
22 Nov 2023
Speaker registration open
28 Nov 2023
Meeting with Muswellbrook Shire Council
28 Nov 2023
Meeting with DPHI
28 Nov 2023
Meeting with Upper Hunter Shire Council
28 Nov 2023
Meeting with Singleton Shire Council
28 Nov 2023
Meeting with Applicant
04 Dec 2023
Speaker registration close at 12pm
07 Dec 2023
Site inspection
07 Dec 2023
Public meeting
21 Dec 2023
Submissions close at 5pm
06 Feb 2024
Case outcome


Statement of Reasons for Decision Bowmans Creek Wind Farm SSD 10315
Development consent Bowmans Creek Wind Farm SSD 10315
Correspondence from Mr Wood to IPC 1
Correspondence from IPC to Mr Wood 1
Correspondence from Mr Wood to IPC 2
Correspondence from IPC to Mr Wood 2
Response to request for further information from the Applicant
Response to questions on notice from DPHI_Redacted
Request to the Applicant for further information_Redacted
Applicant response to IPC questions on notice_Redacted
Questions on notice to the Applicant_Redacted
Questions on notice to the Department_Redacted
Request to DPHI for advice on draft conditions_Redacted
Advice on draft conditions from DPHI_Redacted
Conflicts register
Nomination of Prof Menzies to exercise Chair functions for renewable energy cases
Addendum to the Assessment Report
Assessment Report
Recommended conditions of consent
Referral letter


Date and time
9:00 AM Tue 28 November 2023
Jane Anderson
Meeting documents
Muswellbrook Shire Council Meeting Transcript
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer
Date and time
12:00 PM Tue 28 November 2023
Jane Anderson
Meeting documents
Department Meeting Presentation
Department Meeting Transcript
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer
Date and time
1:00 PM Tue 28 November 2023
Jane Anderson
Meeting documents
Upper Hunter Shire Council Meeting Transcript
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer
Date and time
2:30 PM Tue 28 November 2023
Jane Anderson
Meeting documents
Singleton Shire Council Meeting Transcript
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer
Date and time
4:00 PM Tue 28 November 2023
Jane Anderson
Meeting documents
Applicant Meeting Presentation
Applicant Meeitng Transcript
Anyone wishing to access the transcript of this meeting must read and agree to the following disclaimer:

This transcript is made publicly available. Any views expressed by persons who presented to the Commission at this meeting, are not the views of the Commission or any of its employees. By clicking on and accessing the transcript you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of the disclaimer
Date and time
2:00 PM Wed 06 December 2023
Oliver Cope
Meeting documents
Site Inspection Notes Version 2
Date and time
2:00 PM Thu 07 December 2023
Upper Hunter Conservatorium of Music in Muswellbrook
Atherstone Room, Level 1/80 Bridge St, Muswellbrook NSW 2333
Jane Anderson
Meeting documents
FINAL Bowmans Creek Wind Farm Public Meeting Schedule
Public Meeting Transcript
The community will be able to have their say in a public meeting on a proposal by Bowmans Creek Wind Farm Pty Ltd, owned by Ark Energy Project Pty Ltd (Ark), to construct and operate a 347 MW wind farm with up to 56 wind turbines and associated infrastructure.
The proposed Bowmans Creek Wind Farm is a State significant development application (SSD-10315)located 10 kilometres east of Muswellbrook in the Hunter-Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).The decision on whether the Bowmans Creek Wind Farm will be given planning approval has been referred to the NSW Independent Planning Commission because the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure received at least 50 unique submissions objecting to the proposal.
Commissioners Professor Alice Clark (Panel Chair), Mr Adrian Pilton and Mr Richard Pearson have been appointed to determine the development application.


A public meeting on the proposed development will be held at the Upper Hunter Conservatorium of Music in Muswellbrook (Atherstone Room, Level 1/80 Bridge St, Muswellbrook NSW 2333) and has been scheduled for Thursday 7th December 2023 (2:00pm AEDT start) and Friday 8th December (10:00am AEDT start). The public meeting will be conducted as a livestreamed event, with registered speakers participating either in person at the venue or via online videoconference or telephone. The Commission is also inviting written submissions from the public.
The Commission has access to all previous written submissions made to the Department on this proposed development, however it is particularly helpful for the Commission Panel to also hear the community’s views about the Department’s assessment of the key issues and recommended conditions of consent. These documents are available on the Commission’s website at the following link:
The key issues identified in the Department’s whole-of-government assessment of the development application include energy security, visual impact, traffic and transport, noise and biodiversity.
Anyone wishing to present at the public meeting must pre-register on the Commission’s website using the Speaker Registration Form
The deadline for speaker registrations is 12:00pm AEDT on Monday 4 December 2023.


Written submissions can be lodged via the ‘Make a Submission’ portal on the Commission’s website at the following link: The Commission will also accept submissions made via post or email.


Written submissions will be accepted until 5:00pm on Thursday 21 December 2023.


Please note

Registered speakers for the public meeting will be asked to indicate a preference for presenting to the Commission Panel either in-person at the venue or virtually (i.e. via Zoom video link or telephone). At this point, the public meeting will also be livestreamed on the Commission’s website. Please note that if the demand for either in-person or virtual attendance is low, the Commission may opt to conduct the meeting either entirely virtually, or entirely in person.

If either of these scenarios occur, this will be fully communicated to all registered speakers in advance, including how the Commission can assist people to attend the meeting virtually. Please read the Speaker Registration Form carefully, and provide as much detail as possible. These flexible arrangements ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to be heard, while also making best use of public resources.

Public Submissions

Alexandra Downes submissions for Bowmans Creek Wind Farm_Redacted
Bill Stinson Submission to Bowmans Creek Wind Farm_Redacted
Cherylle Stone Submission for Bowmans Wind Farm_Redacted
Malcolm Ritter 1 Submission for Bowmans Creek Wind Farm_Redacted
Malcolm Ritter 2 Submission for Bowmans Creek Wind Farm_Redacted
Name redacted 1 submission for Bowmans Creek Wind Farm_Redacted
Name redacted 2 submission for Bowmans Creek Wind Farm_Redacted
Name redacted 3 submission for Bowmans Creek Wind Farm_Redacted
Brigitte Thomas submission
Cameron Williams submission redacted
Catherine Ball submission redacted
Clint Thomas submission redacted
Grant Robertson submission redacted
Gregory Ball submission redacted
Jan Thompson submission
Kelly Flanagan submission_Redacted
Kim Granger submission redacted
Lynette LaBlack submission 1 redacted
Lynette LaBlack submission 2 redacted
M Fallding Hunter Valley Eco Cabins
Malcom Ritter submission 3 redacted
Meg Robertson submission redacted
Mike Kelly Musewellbrook Chamber of Commerece and Industry Inc
Muswellbrook Shire Council Submission to the Independent Planning Commission
Name not provided submission
Nola Connor submission redacted
Paul Reeves submission redacted
Peter York submission redacted
Robyn Crow submission
Ross Clydsdale submission
Sandra Robertson submission redacted
Sandra Wood submission
Save Our Surroundings SOS
Todd Shorter submission redacted
Singleton Council submission for Bowmans Creek Wind Farm redacted
Applicant Speaker Presentation
Grant Piper Speaker Presentation
Iwan Davies DPHI Speaker Presentation
Lynette LaBlack Speaker Presentation Redacted
Make a Submission

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