Case progress
Determined – approvedCategory
Social infrastructure
Chair of IPC Panel
Ilona Millar
Other IPC Panel Members
Dianne Leeson
Map showing the location
Document | Date |
SSD 9649 Development Consent (PDF, 365.7 KB)
| 21.05.2020 |
SSD 9649 Statement of Reasons Doncaster Ave Student Accommodation (PDF, 642.28 KB)
| 21.05.2020 |
200521 Media Release Doncaster Ave Kensington (PDF, 249.62 KB)
| 21.05.2020 |
Referral from the Department of Planning Industry and Environment
Document | Date |
DPIE Referral Letter (PDF, 341.53 KB)
| 05.05.2020 |
DPIE Assessment Report (PDF, 2.94 MB)
| 05.05.2020 |
DPIE Draft Development Consent (PDF, 321.81 KB)
| 05.05.2020 |
Document | Date |
200508_OUT_Department Questions ahead of meeting (PDF, 132.04 KB)
| 12.05.2020 |
200513_OUT_Department meeting questions on notice (PDF, 106.39 KB)
| 14.05.2020 |
200518_IN_Department_Response to questions on notice_Combined (PDF, 10.74 MB)
| 19.05.2020 |
200508_OUT_Council Questions ahead of meeting (PDF, 102.4 KB)
| 12.05.2020 |
200508_OUT_Applicant Question ahead of meeting (PDF, 130.59 KB)
| 12.05.2020 |
200513_IN_Applicant_Comment on tree in property to south (PDF, 53.7 KB)
| 14.05.2020 |
200519_IN_Applicant_Amended plans_Combined (PDF, 11.8 MB)
| 19.05.2020 |
Site Inspection
Document | Date |
200508_Site inspection notes (PDF, 827.83 KB)
| 14.05.2020 |
Meeting with the Applicant
Meeting information
Date and time
9:33 AM Wed 13 May 2020
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
200513_Applicant presentation (PDF, 12.66 MB)
| 14.05.2020 |
200513_Transcript_Applicant meeting (PDF, 112.39 KB)
| 18.05.2020 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting with the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment
Meeting information
Date and time
12:45 PM Wed 13 May 2020
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
200513_Transcript_Department meeting (PDF, 89.99 KB)
| 18.05.2020 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Meeting with Randwick City Council
Meeting information
Date and time
11:10 AM Wed 13 May 2020
Meeting documents
Document | Date |
200513_Council presentation (PDF, 1.1 MB)
| 14.05.2020 |
200513_Transcript_Council meeting (PDF, 80.39 KB)
| 18.05.2020 |
The Commission's Transparency Policy sets out how information related to this meeting will be made publicly available.
Public submissions
The Commission finalised this case over two years ago. All public submissions have been archived in compliance with the NSW State Records Act. To access these submissions, please send a request to [email protected] or call 02 9383 2100.