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How the MPGP is appointed

Panel appointments and requirements

The Independent Planning Commission is required to constitute a subcommittee of the Commission as the Mining and Petroleum Gateway Panel. The Commission must consult with the Minister for Planning, the Minister for Resources, Minister for Energy and Utilities, and the Minister for Primary Industries on the proposed membership of the Gateway Panel. 

The Gateway Panel is to consist of not less than three persons appointed by the Commission. A member of the Commission may be appointed as a member of the Gateway Panel.

A person is qualified for appointment as a member of the Gateway Panel if the person has expertise in any one or more of the disciplines of agricultural science, hydrogeology, or mining and petroleum development.

In appointing the members of the Gateway Panel, the Commission is to ensure, as far as practicable, that the members have expertise in a mix of these disciplines. One of the members of the Gateway Panel will be appointed as the chair of the panel.

Terms and other conditions of office

A member of the Gateway Panel

  • holds office for such term (not exceeding three years) as is determined by the Commission, and
  • ceases to hold office in such circumstances as are determined by the Commission, and
  • is entitled to such remuneration, if any, and to the payment of such expenses, if any, as are determined by the Commission, and
  • holds office subject to such conditions as are determined by the Commission.

Pecuniary interests

A member of the Gateway Panel who has a pecuniary interest (within the meaning of sections 442 and 443 of the Local Government Act 1993) in any matter that is the subject of a decision or advice by the Panel and who is present at a meeting of the Panel at which the matter is being considered

  • must disclose the interest to the meeting as soon as practicable, and
  • must not take part in the consideration or discussion of the matter, and
  • must not vote on any question relating to the matter.

Constitution of the Panel for cases

For the purpose of carrying out any of its functions, the Gateway Panel is to be constituted by three members. The Chair of the Mining and Petroleum Gateway Panel will determine which members constitute the Panel for the purpose of exercising its functions in relation to a particular matter. The Gateway Panel may, at any time, exercise by the same members or different members, one or more of its functions.





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